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Military news

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:39 am
I receive about two to five Defense related items a day. I apologize for not getting them up for discussion in a completely timely fashion. One source is Defense One. On the opening page of Yahoo today I received picture and commentary on Chineses drones in use in Nigeria. I just finished reading a book by poyerer which started outed out as a more or less routine narrative of a more or less routine transfer of a Garcia class frigate to the Pakistanis.

It was written some time ago and prophesied the coming projection of Chinese power into areas the Chines have not considered essential in the past.

one of the tenets of "the cyclical theory of Chinese History" rests on the same concept that we should and must incorporate-self sufficiency.

If China is willing to extend power into Nigeria, in which country it has shown little interest in over the past century, the news about Chinese made drones. with missile carrying capability into Nigeria, an oil rich State far distant from China's historical areas of interest it has to be viewed as an extension of their policy regarding self sufficiency.

One drone was shot down and I have stored the pictures for now. Also, India has a massive forces of 450,000 troops in the Kashmir regions. Since India buys weapons from the UK, Russia and China, which way India may jump in a crunch is anyone's guess.
