Asthma. From Rupert

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Asthma. From Rupert

Post by gmattson »

There are many treatments to alleviate the problem, but they mostly need to be treatments of the entire person, and not the symptom. The Homeopath will try to find why the person is not able to fight the asthma naturally, so may need several sessions to look deeply into the underlying problem. Below are some palliative suggestions which may help if you do not have a good Homeopath to consult.
Sudden attacks with gasping and wheezing, Aconite 6C
Attacks after midnight with fear and gasping, cannot keep still, Arsen alb 6C
Unable to expel mucous, bad at night, snores, bad after bronchitis, Ant tart 6C
Caused by exertion, Bryonia 6C
Caused by anger, Chamo 6C
Comes on after meals in grumpy people, Nux vom 6C
Comes on in wet weather, Dulcamara 6C
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