Reason for Starting Karate

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Reason for Starting Karate

Post by emattson »

I'm interested in hearing from others the reason you became interested in Uechi-Ryu. What brought you here?

For me, I kind of inherited it from my dad who began teaching Uechi-ryu in Boston, Massachusetts in 1958; he has been practicing karate as long as I can remember. I once helped him by writing a C# software to track Dantest scores.

Living in Boston, I befriended many Asians, mostly Chinese, and attended many of their social events, which include Lion Dances, Dragon Boat, Luna Festivals, among others. I'm one of the few who witnessed Lion Dances on Jongs in person. Kung-Fu academies often sponsor Lion Dances. I love watching Kung-Fu demonstrations. I'm much more skillful in martial arts history and the cultural aspects than the actual technicality.

While I do admit it can be hard to be disciplined when learning through remote only, I appreciate Karate for its health aspect--movements, stretches, strength training, and staying mentally alert. I stay healthy through walks, and never play around with drugs and never get drunk. Once the mind falls into mental fog through chemistry, he has no way to snap out of it to clarity if an emergency happens, and it will.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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