The ryu identity crisis

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Bill Glasheen
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The ryu identity crisis

Post by Bill Glasheen »

Two threads got me thinking about this. One is well developed and will go on ad infinitum. The other is one that has been operating under the radar for some time, and will rear its ugly head when folks like me prod it.

There is the whole self defense thing. Who teaches it? For that matter, how do you teach it? (NOTE: I will challenge anyone - professional or amateur - who claims they have that one all figured out.) When are we working on it in a particular martial art? What is productive? What is counterproductive?

Then there is the fitness thing. One of my prejudices (translate as personality weakness) is in this area. Those of us who consider personal fitness a priority have a visceral reaction when viewing those that appear not to make it a priority. I spend virtually all my non-work time in the gym. I married a competitive bodybuilder (who hasn't left me yet... ;) ). I was born with a baseball glove in my hand, was captain of my high school cross country team, and have been in martial arts and the weight room most of my life. After spending my early years on the seefood diet (when I see food, I eat it...), I slowly transitioned to a relatively disciplined lifestyle (NOT diet) that I feel comfortable with if others choose to emulate my actions. In my view, it's all a means to an end that I consider important. That end may not be important to you. And if you understand Uechi kata and exercises enough, you will soon learn that there's nothing in "Uechi" training exercises that would bestow fitness without a fitness mindset at the outset.


So here we have this test board - a motly crew of gentlemen (and occasionally a woman or two) - with myriad priorities attempting to bestow rank (certification, etc.) on willing students. We have requirements, not all of which individuals on any given board agree with. We have requirements that started elsewhere and are now implemented and assessed by us. We give out rank - or not - and then argue about it later. Sometimes we argue a lot. And if you watch these discussions long enough, you begin to detect a pattern, if not a problem.

Whom are we? How do we define ourselves as a group? What does rank in Whatsamatta Ryu mean? Does it mean something different in Bill's vs. John's vs. Joe's school (dojo, dojang, club, secret society, etc.)?

I believe that half the discussions about rank and/or certifications vs. requirements would go away if we could resolve these questions.

- Bill
Posts: 2077
Joined: Thu Sep 17, 1998 6:01 am
Location: Boston, MA

Good luck.... :)

Post by david »

And the seasons they go round and round
And the painted ponies go up and down
We're captive on the carousel of time
We can't return we can only look
Behind from where we came
And go round and round and round
In the circle game

Like your icon... know your own center 'cause the rest is just a "circle game."

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