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Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Wed Sep 03, 2014 7:24 pm
by trose
The average boxer will wipe the floor with most Uechi guys.
Same for Jiu Jitsu and wrestling vs. the average Uechi guy.
Is that because those disciplines are better?
No!! A good Uechi fighter can handle it and prevail. The
difference is that when you go to a boxing gym there is not much else
other than the ring. You have to step into the ring and produce. When
was the last time you as a Uechi practitioner sparred hard? When was the
last time you sparred with a proficient boxer? wrestler?? MMA person ???


Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 11:54 pm
by Art Rabesa
I'm in agreement with Tracy Rose on this one. That is why I feel so strongly as to the training. A uechi ryu student should want to be well rounded. I'm not saying you all should study various forms of the martial arts. However, the curriculum in your dojo should cover lots of areas. That is why I did my web site. Tracy states the "average uechi person". That is the person with a limited dojo curriculum. Teachers should want to widen the material that they cover. By all means teach traditional Uechi ryu. I do, but I like to use a lot of seasoning in my cooking. ----Happy Trails------- Art Rabesa

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 3:09 pm
by trose
Exactly, thank you sir! Not saying to study wrestling but use wrestling to make your Uechi more effective! These wrestlers spend all their time training to take you down. What are you going to do about it? Can you hit hard enough fast enough close enough to stop such a takedown? Mr. Rabesa which video Clip (lol all of them) would you suggest people view for striking against against a determined takedown?
Same for a vicious combination from a boxer. How would fare?

Just saying....

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:36 pm
by Art Rabesa
Lets see if I can give you a good answer here Tracy. I feel the best chance you can give yourself in any situation is to be able to react quickly. Easier said then done. To answer the, "what would you do if", question is never easy.My way of thinking and training is to prepare for that "what would you do if". So, I want to be able to fire fast, hard strikes to the legs of that bad guy. Be able to hit very hard from very close is the key. Be able to hit very hard on the ground, To never be in an uncomfortable situation. On your feet, or on the ground. What ever. I just like keeping things universal. I like things that work on anybody. Doesn't matter who is coming at you. You train this way. You can fire those leg thrusts low and fast, with explosive results. You can fire your hands from very close and hit with a lot of stopping power. Nothing is certain, but the odds are in your favor when you can do these things. The striking and leg thrust section of the uechi ryu wheel on my web site, give you a good look at what I'm talking about. Happy Trails ------Art

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:01 pm
by Van Canna
These are good points by Tracy Rose and Art...

Against some fighters who will use attacks/techniques we are not familiar with...we would need to be able to evade and be destructive upon first touch with an assailant...reason why I really like the ferocity of Shinjo Sensei

"Live life easy and peacefully, but when it is time to fight become ferocious." Kiyohide Shinjo Sensei ... 8033877225

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 5:15 pm
by Art Rabesa
I agree with the easy and peaceful way of life. However , I also like having that switch available when needed. When needed, just flip that switch and become the person your mother warned you about. Find peace in the training, but also find that switch. ----- Art

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:46 pm
by Josann
I agree with Sensei Roses comments, but how much of the boxer's superiority is from the way they train as opposed to the art or other factors? Boxing and their sparring is always all out, or at least close to that, and the partner is always non-cooperative.Full, all out training is certainly not for everyone, but how much more effective would the average uechi guy be if we trained that way?

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:42 am
by Art Rabesa
In using the term "average uechi guy", it means what? Does it mean someone that simply goes through the motions of their training. Someone that is just moving the air around doing their kata. That person will get taken out in the ring. You have to get up to the next level if you are going to bang with the bangers. Thats why you have to mix it up to feel the real battle. It really isn't for everyone and I'm not sure how many students would stay . It depends on how you want to train, and what you really want in your training. We could talk on this subject for days. I have always enjoyed fighting and banging hard, Those that know me well will tell you that. However , I never expected my students to follow my path. Some did. Special sessions for all out training is the answer. Other than the regular uechi ryu class. Those that want to step it up can come, Those that would rather not, just attend regular classes. Way back when --the fighting class was Van Canna and myself. Thats it. ----Happy Trails------Art

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 2:48 pm
by trose
Great post sensei Rabesa !
We incorporate lots of boxing jj takedown drills into
Mainstream class. This is so people can get the experience and
Use their Uechi to at least recognize and spoil the technique.
The biggest 'fault' is not knowing...

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 3:17 pm
by Art Rabesa
Yup----Fearing the unknown is common. So lets get a look at what might come at you. Then ---lets work on taking care of it. I work strikes from different distances and angles. Striking from different body positions,including the ground. Kind of like a Swiss army knife. Works on anything. Good knife to have. -----Happy Trails----- Art

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 4:13 pm
by Van Canna
Excellent views and training practice by Tracy and Art...

We never know what will come at us...bigger, stronger, more skilled than us...attacks we never practiced a defense against, other than assuming we could handle by what we supposedly know...

...multiple opponents...someone pinning us down on the ground...after being stunned by a blow we did not see coming from tunnel vision...and several punks kicking your head like a soccer ball...or trying to choke the life out of you...when flat on the ground and out of breath and strength...

Art...have you any specific video clips out of your 'Wheel' showing ground defense and or dealing with 'shoot' take downs?

Mind you...there are some misguided people thinking or teaching that Uechi people, properly trained...'won't ever go down' in a fight...

I think this borderlines 'criminal negligence' in teaching a new student this kind of illusive crap.

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 5:42 pm
by trose
Amen! Thank you Sensei Canna

We do a lot of "drop levels" explosive strike drills.
The dropping level so your power zone is in line with
The attacker rushing in low is key. First though
You have to recognize the 'shoot' in order to
Have a hope of responding in time.


Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2014 9:14 pm
by Van Canna
Right on, Tracy...I teach about the same using the spinouts we have in hojo undo and kata to get behind the shoot...and we try to practice the sensing of the shoot by the opponent's body language.

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 12:55 am
by Art Rabesa
Right guys. Reading is so very important in all attacks. To read the shoot is not to difficult from a little distance. The difficulty comes when the shoot comes off another technique. He is already closing the distance with that first technique then shoots off that. I hope I am making myself understood here. It can be difficult to explain properly. Foundation and hand position is important in dealing with this. Joe Pomfrey or Joe Louzon would be good to ask on the topic. Their pretty darn good you know.-----Art

Re: Boxing MMA Jiu Jitsu Judo

Posted: Mon Sep 08, 2014 2:13 am
by trose
Reading is fundamental!
There is a huge difference between knowing and "knowing"
Knowledge vs heuristic knowledge. So now question is how
Do you train so that you hit with explosive power when they shoot ?
How do you learn to read?