Dape Rape Drugs

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Darren Laur
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Darren Laur »

For centuries, sexual predators have used a wide variety of substances to sedate and sexually exploit women. These have included herbs, alcohol, common cold pills, sedatives and illegal narcotics. Recently, because of a number of highly publicized sexual assaults in both Canada and the United States, sexual assault drugs have come to the attention of law enforcement agencies. Two insidious sexual assault drugs which women should be aware of are Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and Rohypnol. The use of both of these drugs is on the rise.

Most hospital drug screening tests do not routinely check for GHB abd Rohypnol. Therefore, if you believe you have been sexually assaulted whicle drugged, it is most important that you bring this to the attention of the hospital medical staff so that the appropriate tests can be carried out. If you cannot get to a hospital immediately, police recommend taking a urine sample and storing it in the fridge since these drugs pass through the system rapidly.


GHB is a central nervous system depressant that had been prescribed by doctors to treat some sleeping disorders as well as alcoholism. During the 1980’s, GHB was believed to stimulate certain human growth hormones and as such, became popular with athletes and bodybuilders. Recently GHB has once again emerged, this time as a recreational drug known as “Liquid Ecstasy.” Offering a high similar to alcohol intoxication but without the hangover. Even though GHB us now a banned substance, it is still readily available, as it is easily made with common ingredients. Its use had increased, probably due to Internet sites that give information on how to make the drug. Some sites also sell kits for making the drug (often marketed for its supposed health benefits). Some products sold in health food stores and on the Internet (including Firewater, Blue Nitro Vitality, Revivarant, RenewTrient) contain GBL ( Gamma Butyrolactone), which is metabolized by the body into GHB. These products have caused a number of deaths in the US.

In low dosages, GHB may cause amnesia, hypnotic events, drowsiness, uninhibited behavior, or impaired judgment. In higher doses, the victim may experience a slow heart rate, seizure-like activity, breathing difficulties, loss of consciousness, or even coma. If GHB is mixed with alcohol, these effects can become even more severe. In liquid form, concentrated GHB may appear thicker than water and usually has a very salty taste. When mixed with an alcoholic drink, however, GHB is so diluted (Only 2-3 drops needed) that it is tasteless and well as colourless and odourless.

GHB will usually take effect about 15-30 minutes after ingestion, producing a high for one to three hours. After this, the victim has no short-term recall of the preceding events. Detection of GHB is possible but extremely difficult, as it is only traceable in the blood two to four hours after ingestion. It is also found in the urine, but all traces of the drug often leave the body with the first urination. Not surprisingly, police have difficulty laying charges in such cases for this reason.


Rohypnol, the trade name for Fluintrazepam, is used as sleeping medication in over 60 countries around the world, but is not approved in Canada and the United States. Rohypnol is usually distributed in little white tablets that contain the name “Roche” and an encircled “1” or “2” on one side, with a single cross score on the other. Much Like GHB, when dissolved in a liquid, it is tasteless and odourless and cannot be detected visually. Concerned about the illicit use of their product, the manufacturers of Rohypnol have added a dye that will turn a liquid blue as an early warning system (what good is this however in fancy drinks that usually come in multiple colours) In the future, they hope to change the tablet so that it will not dissolve in liquid.

Symptoms of Rohypnol intoxication include; impaired judgment, Impaired motor skills, loss of inhibitions, amnesia, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, and in some people, excitability. If too much is ingested, coma or death may result.

When Rohypnol is mixed with alcohol, it offers a cheap and long lasting high which intoxication effects are enhanced. Although the drug is not legally available, it can still be readily obtained by sexual predators. Very recently, over 5000 packages of Rohypnol were seized in a raid on a drug house in Vancouver Canada.

If ingested, Rohypnol can be detected in the urine for up to 72 hours, but only for a few hours in the blood. A 2 mg dose (1 Pill) can incapacitate an average female for between eight and twelve hours, after which she will usually have no memory about what has taken place.


There are a number of steps that women can take to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of date rape drugs:

1. When in a bar or out partying, keep your drink with you at all times
2. Be careful when accepting drinks form anyone other than bar staff. Very recently, a woman at a nightclub here in Victoria Canada, was given a shooter by a new acquaintance. This was the last thing she remembered when she woke up, nude, in a strange hotel room.
3. Do not accept open-container drinks at parties
4. When at a party, mix your own drinks
5. if a friend seems drunk, but has not had enough alcohol to warrant this level of intoxication, pay attention to her, and do not let her leave with anyone other than you. If symptoms are serious, take her to emergency immediately

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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by raulf7 »

Why people do that baffles me. Wooing a woman is no different than how non-pressure professional sales people close a sales.

People need to learn how to communicate to get others involved in things
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Cecil »

What can you do if you see that a girl is high---too high for her own good---but she refuses to leave with you? You can see what her new found friends intend, but she verbally attacks you if you try to warn her.

What then?
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by raulf7 »

A woman like that doesnt deserve my time of day really.

What would I do? Find another sensible woman
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by dmsdc »


There articles references the possiblity that a woman may be drugged at a party against their will but seem drunk.

Would you react the same way with a friend vs a stanger? In both cases would you leave them to their consequences?

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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by TSDguy »

Who cares what someone is doing to you. If they're drugged, they won't be themselves. Make sure they don't get hurt, male or female.
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by tunetigress »

I hope you guys aren't insinuating that there is a double standard at work here? If she really was 'a good girl' would she even have allowed herself in such a position that someone could drug her without her knowledge much less take that kind of advantage of her without anyone noticing or caring?
If that perception is indeed in place in the minds of male party-goers, then they might be inclined to 'join in the fun', rather than provide any form of support or protection to the unfortunate woman in question. Just wondering.... _(_)_ Tunetigress

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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by LeeDarrow »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tunetigress:
I hope you guys aren't insinuating that there is a double standard at work here? If she really was 'a good girl' would she even have allowed herself in such a position that someone could drug her without her knowledge much less take that kind of advantage of her without anyone noticing or caring?
If that perception is indeed in place in the minds of male party-goers, then they might be inclined to 'join in the fun', rather than provide any form of support or protection to the unfortunate woman in question. Just wondering.... _(_)_ Tunetigress


Tunetigress, as you seem to imply even a teetotaler at a party CAN be drugged by a sexual predator. The issue is not whether someone is a "good girl" or a "bad girl" it's about rape and its prevention.

Even "bad girls" don't deserve rape.

It is an act of violence, not sex, and can scar someone emotionally for life. Even with effective therapy, the prognosis for a return to normal functioning in the short to medium run (six to ten years) is pretty low.

After effects of rape can include obsessive-compulsive washing, retreat from reality, depression, suicide, sexual dysfunction and the inability to achieve intimacy, not to mention continuing distrust of anyone of the same gender as the assailant(s).

Don't even get me started on gang-rape - something which has happened in an increasing number of date-rape drug cases of late.

What happens to the victim in such cases is not even to be left to the imagination.

Date rape druggings can and have happened in swank society parties as well as raves, from Proms to Cotillions to Sweet-16's.

Being a good or bad girl has little to nothing to do with it.

Sorry to rant a bit, but this is a subject where I have had to help pick up the pieces as a therapist on more than one occasion.

It ain't pretty. It ain't nice. It ain't fun and it ain't legal.

Nuff Said.

Lee Darrow, C.Ht.

PS - as a professional magician as well as a trained therapist, I can assure anyone here that slipping something into a cup is a rudimentary bit of sleight of hand - and at a party, people aren't watching all that carefully. I would be happy to demonstrate with a coffee cup and a superball - wich is a LOT bigger than the little pills date rapists use!

Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Stryke »

Rape is never condonable , Ive seen the aftermath of sexual abuse , anybody who does not do everything in there power to stop this happening to someone imo is accountable

had to get that out ...

otherwise the article very good Mr Laur , thank you for posting ill be sure i recommend to people to read it , Information and awareness are a more important part of self defence than technique or training ....

Just as self respect and attitude is more a part of budo than training

at least imo
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Dana Sheets »

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>PREVENTION STRATEGIES:

There are a number of steps that women can take to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of date rape drugs:

1. When in a bar or out partying, keep your drink with you at all times
2. Be careful when accepting drinks form anyone other than bar staff. Very recently, a woman at a nightclub here in Victoria Canada, was given a shooter by a new acquaintance. This was the last thing she remembered when she woke up, nude, in a strange hotel room.
3. Do not accept open-container drinks at parties
4. When at a party, mix your own drinks
5. if a friend seems drunk, but has not had enough alcohol to warrant this level of intoxication, pay attention to her, and do not let her leave with anyone other than you. If symptoms are serious, take her to emergency immediately<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Cecil »

"if a friend seems drunk, but has not had enough alcohol to warrant this level of intoxication, pay attention to her, and do not let her leave with anyone other than you. If symptoms are serious, take her to emergency immediately"

She has to be willing to leave with you. If you grab her by the arm and she yanks away, telling you how you can't tell her what to do and so on, what then? Knock her out or throw her over your shoulder (that's what I'd do now, but could not do back in teen and college years because I was way too into being polite towards a woman to even consider that offending her would be better than risking that she might get hurt)? She goes off about how you can't tell her what to do and even swings and kicks at you if you take her by the arm and say look, those guys are up to something, they're not as cool as you think they are.

What does the law allow? Would the law allow some dude to kick down the door where he thinks the rape may occur? Can you legally prove that someone was about to rape someone? And even if you catch them with trousers down, preparing to mount, when it's over, it will be your word against their's---and suppose they bully her into being quiet?

See, I know what I'd do if it were my daughter (take her home, period), or my sister (neither of them allow anyone to mix any drinks for them, and they are fairly aware of their surroundings). But someone who is strictly a platonic friend or aquaintence, well, social customs would make me out to be the bad one. What would you think if you saw some guy trying to make a girl leave a party who clearly said she wanted to stay? I know what I'd think!

Perhaps I am asking the impossible, i.e., a way to prevent violence. But still, I think there must be SOME ideas out there. What can you do if the drugged individual will not listen to your warnings?

A better way to put the question: what could a teenager or young adult male do if the young girl refuses to leave with him, or insinuates that HE'S really a rapist, that's why he's worried about the people who just drugged her?

I'm not trying to say that women deserve to be gang-raped, even if they are "bad girls". What I'm saying is that the impared judgement and irrational or uninhibitted behavior could make the potential victim turn on the person who is trying to warn her. What can a young male do if that happens?

And I do mean a YOUNG male. A peer may have a tougher time convincing them of that, he may be seen as a beta, unworldly, paranoid male. What should the peer do? Or, can he really do anything?
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by f.Channell »

A friend of mine had one of these drugs used on him by a homosexual predator in a bar. I believe the street name is rufies?

So keep your head clear guys in that bar talking football to that guy next to you. When you get up to go to the bathroom, they could put something in your beer. These drugs are not only used by men against women.

My friend by the way escaped to a cab and passed out in the back seat, he remembers the guy following him out of the bar. He got lucky, who knows what that guy had planned. Homosexual rape, robbery, some sick silence of the lambs stuff. Who has sex with a sleeping person anyways, necrophiliacs?

I don't think a real friend ever leaves a friend drunk and disorderly male or female to their own devises. I've spent at least 30 minutes talking friends into giving me their keys on a couple of ocassions, almost every fight i've had as an adult happened in a bar.
Have a beer at home instead.
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by 2Green »

I've spent the majority of my life as an entertainer/rock player in bars.
My advice is: if you can discretely help someone who is inadvertantly drugged-up, do it. Don't be such a slime as to try to take advantage of a person who is incapacitated.
The reason I say "discretely" is; back in the 70's our bass player took a girl back to his room. The next night we had a parade of bikers making finger-guns to us on stage.
She was a "girlfriend" to one of the gang, and they tied her to a chair and punched her until she told them who took her "home".
So: help "conventionally"..."let's get you a cab"..."perhaps this doorman can find your car"..."are any of your friends with you?... that sort of thing.
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by Cecil »

This is getting deep. I like that.

Now lets have two types of scenarios, all likely with young people:

a) a bartender is there. To me, this one is easy. You can just tell the bartender and/or the bouncers. They will not look bad calling a cab on a woman who's had one too many or making up an excuse, however lame, for kicking out a potential rapist.

b) probably a far more typical scenario: a college party or a high school one. There is no bartender. No one is in charge, really, save perhaps, whoever's house it is. Worse even if you are at a chaotic college party with no authorities around. What then?

It would seem cruel to abandon the potential victim in scenario b. So some suggestions would be in order. I can come up with something from my 30 something brain, but again, what can a young 'un do?
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Dape Rape Drugs

Post by candan »

If you suspect someone has been drugged, call 911, treat it as a drug overdose. Another persons life is on the line.
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