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Discussion ideas

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 2:56 am
by Tom Faigle
As a new comer here and one who is fairly new to Uechi-Ryu (studying less than a year), I would find it very helpful to see discussions on some of the training basics. For instance at my stage of learning, I'm just beginning to get a small understanding of kata, the exercises, etc. I'm working on basics and trying to get focused and learn as much as I can to have a good foundation. At times things come easy, other times, I struggle just to be able to push through and hang on until I can feel like I'm actually learning. More discussion from folks in the Kyu ranks and things to help us progress and understand would be very helpful (at least to me).

I've purchased a few books, my Sensi has provided handouts, and is always willing to talk after class or answer e-mails. And I think I have a pretty good relationship with my peers in class. That and a 6 year old son who is taking classes also.

Otherwise, I find some of the discussions here helpful in a global sense, and others I can't relate to. But I do like how everyone is very civil and helpful to one another. In other words another tool to use in the journey.


Discussion ideas

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2002 11:45 am
by gmattson

I believe we discuss basics quite a bit on these forums. You might check some of the older threads by clicking on the "all" option for viewing topics. There is a "search" feature as well. Just look for a key word like "blocks" or "kicks" to see all relevant topics.

You can also start a new topic on one of the forums.

Good luck with your studies.


Discussion ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2002 3:48 am
by Tom Faigle
Sensi Mattson,

I guess the fairly short time that I've been visiting your forums, I've felt that the topics seem more advanced than where I'm at. Hopefully when I become an "old timer" I'll feel that the balance is right on (.ie a good mix of beginner, intermediate, and advanced topics).

I gues the point I was trying to make is that I don't think that I see much on the basics such as things to improve ones practice or techniques. But I guess I'll start looking at the posts closer, (and maybe you'll do the same) Hopefully there be more things that I'll find useful for where I'm at. Otherwise, I'll keep reading, and as I learn more in class, though reading, and practice, I'll continue to get more and more from what I read here.

In any case, I do like the setup and thank you. Everyone seems very civil and the moderators seem to do a very good job here.


Discussion ideas

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2002 12:16 pm
by gmattson
We have lots of friendly, talented people here who will be more than happy to discuss any "basics" question you may have. I agree, many of us assume everyone reading these forums have the same level of knowledge we have and enjoy discussing advanced subjects.

Go to Bill Glasheen's forum and ask your questions.

Good luck,