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A Dissertation on the Benefits of Myotherapy in Conjunction with Uechi-Ryu Karate
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How to Choose a Reliable Book Publisher
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- ↳ Choki Motobu and Jan Kentel
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - Acknowledgements
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 1 (A)
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 1 (B)
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 2
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 3 (A)
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 3 (B)
- ↳ Choki Motobu, Boxing, and Jen Kentel - 4
- ↳ Miscellaneous Notes:
- ↳ Kanbun Uechi Teachers and Students
- ↳ Chojun Miyagi, Kanbun Uechi and the Transmission of Hard-Soft Karate
- ↳ Chojun Miyagi and Goju Ryu
- ↳ Acknowledgements
- ↳ 1. West Higaonna (A)
- ↳ 1. West Higaonna (B)
- ↳ 1. West Higaonna - Notes
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (A)
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (B)
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- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (H)
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (I)
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (J)
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te (K)
- ↳ 2. The Mysteries of Naha Te - Notes
- ↳ 3. Miyagi and Kyoda (A)
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- ↳ 3. Miyagi and Kyoda (H)
- ↳ 3. Miyagi and Kyoda - Notes
- ↳ 4. More on Miyagi (A)
- ↳ 4. More on Miyagi (B)
- ↳ 4. More on Miyagi (C)
- ↳ 4. More on Miyagi - Notes
- ↳ 5. Goju and Sanchin
- ↳ 5. Goju and Sanchin - Notes
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- ↳ 8. A Revival - Notes
- ↳ Kanbum Uechi and Uechi Ryu
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- ↳ 1. Uechi in China
- ↳ 2. Uechi Return to Okinawa
- ↳ 3. The Mystery of Pan Gai Noon (A)
- ↳ 3. The Mystery of Pan Gai Noon (B)
- ↳ 3. The Mystery of Pan Gai Noon (C)
- ↳ 3. The Mystery of Pan Gai Noon (D)
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