Just teach

A place to share ideas, concerns, questions, and thoughts about women and the martial arts.

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Art Rabesa
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Just teach

Post by Art Rabesa »

Hi Megan. I thought about posting my thoughts on your forum, and then I thought some more. I read many of the posts on this "women in the martial arts" topic. I have come to the simple conclusion that it is being over thought. Discussing a topic is one thing. Over thinking it is another. Here goes. ------ I have had many female students over all these years. They trained along side the male students. I taught uechi ryu to the students before me. Nothing took me off track in what I taught. It is what it is. Dojo respect was an ongoing thing in class. I wanted all students to help each other. I did not tolerate disrespect . My senior students knew that aiding dojo mates was an important part of their training. If a male student got a little to strong with his female partner, he would find me as his new partner. Nothing was said. It is what it is. I had female black belts that were a major part of the dojo. They held a lot of respect around the uechi ryu family. I wasn't the easiest teacher you know. SO "Women and the Martial Arts". I'm all for it. I had female black belts that were pretty and would get the attention of all the guys when they walked by. These same females could also put a hole in any guy that wasn't respectful. I hope some of my female students see this and post something on this topic. I hope my comments helped a little here. -------Happy Trails ---------Art Rabesa
Art Rabesa
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Joined: Mon May 08, 2023 8:29 pm

Re: Just teach

Post by emattson »

Respect--not just a women's issue. It's an important part of the "Principles of Practice" as written by Uechi Kanei, President of Uechi-ryu Karate-do Association. This is the full text, as translated by Jon D, Mills, 10/1984. Needless to say, the "he" also applies to women:

  • The purpose of karate training is to discipline the mind and body and to master the art of self-defense.
  • A karate practitioner should be well-mannered and modest, value courtesy, always wear decent clothing, pay attention to his speech and actions and work hard at training day and night.
  • A karate practitioner must never call upon his strength in a quarrel, speak harshly, act roughly, or become troublesome to others.
  • A karate practitioner must never bring shame upon himself or his school in either speech or action.
  • A karate practitioner must never speak arrogantly, fall into laziness, or act conceitedly. He should endeavor to work diligently at training and improving himself.
  • A karate practitioner should respect decorum and the martial arts, maintain the fine tradition of karate and contribute to society.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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