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Full contact

Post by Stryke »

Does anyone anywhere hold Uechi full contact events prefferably continuous ?

Is this just not done ?

thanks in advance


Post by Guest »

Sounds like the Sabaki Challenge... It's open style so Uechi Ryu has always been invited.
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Post by JaySal »

Hi Stryke.

Good question. I am sorry to say the answer is no.

There are no full contact Uechi tournaments any where that I know of. A number of years ago, back in the 1970's. George Mattson promoted an all Uechi Ryu fighting tournamet. With nothing but Uechi Ryu style fighters. Back then kicking to the legs and arms were totally acceptable. Because of the level of body conditioning that everyone did.

However today, that type of tournament can not take place due to the liabilty insurance rules and regulations that all tournament promoters must carry today.

Take care
Jay Sal
Semper Fi

Post by Stryke »

yeah i was wondering , I find this kind of thing a real shame .

I`d love a full contact Uechi specific ruleset .

the Sabaki challenge does seem the pinnacle of karate style matches

I wonder how kyokushin gets on in the US .

Maybe one day the serious will have to fly to New Zealand for a full contact tournament :D

Ahh well might be Muay Thai next year as well .

thanks again !!

Post by Guest »

You thinking of competeing Marcus?

Post by Stryke »

Tony I`m actually thinking some Muay Thai next year .

But would like to check out what the karate worlds got to offer , I do love the art .

I got to decide soon , i`m probably getting a bit long in the tooth to win , and I`m a competitive guy ....

I wonder if theyed let a Uechi white belt in there open :lol: :lol: :lol:

Post by Guest »

Stryke wrote: I wonder if theyed let a Uechi white belt in there open :lol: :lol: :lol:
You mean the Sabaki Challenge? Hell yeah! And alot of the best Uechi techniques, like grabbing and striking are allowed (not sure about palm heels though), elbows and knees.. just no head shots with your fists... lots of knockouts with kicks though.

Muay Thai would be great for you but Uechi Ryu could sure use the publicity. With all the deadly techniques out there, no one from our style has ever fought in that tournament. Wanna see George suddenly become your best buddy and ban anyone who messes with you on the forums? Go fight in the Sabaki challenge! I swear dude.. if I was around 30, I would do it!!!!!

If your interested, I can put you in touch with my buddy Frank and he can tell you all about it. He fought in it once.. they training is sick dude! it's hard core!

Post by Stryke »

It`s worth considering Tony , and I understand how huge a commitment it`d be . I know i can do the physical part but it`s a big commitment .

and Muay Thai would be better for me , but I`m flawed , I want to see karate thrive !!!

just kicking around ideas mate . Seems Sabaki is the way to go for competitve full contact karate .

It`s all be about setting up the right training and getting the right folks on board .
And alot of the best Uechi techniques, like grabbing and striking are allowed (not sure about palm heels though), elbows and knees.. just no head shots with your fists... lots of knockouts with kicks though.
Yeah best Ruleset ever invented for standup karate IMHO

wouldnt mind if I got knocked out in the first round , would just be a good experience , and ya never know ...

Post by Stryke »

HAHAHA Tony :lol: :lol:

been there done that ... I was always the example in my old club when I was winning tournaments and competing .

Sensei would always ask me to back up what he was saying ....

Unfortunately when I come to broadening my skills , and cross training and gradings , I wasnt so good or popular anymore .

Guess he overestimated my skills :lol:

Post by Guest »

Stryke wrote: Unfortunately when I come to broadening my skills , and cross training and gradings , I wasnt so good or popular anymore .
sounds real familiary Marcus...

By the way, that "commitment" thing... you'd definatley need that for the Sabaki Challenge. Thats at least 2 hours a day, 6 days a week. More if you want to win!

What an inspiration though... the first uechika to enter that tournament... man, I wish I had what it takes....

Post by Stryke »

Yeah Tony thats why i`d have to be certain it`s what i`d want to do . It`s a life style for a couple years .

I think it`d take me 12 months or so to get were I`d basically want to be . Then at least three months build up to a comp ...

And I could just do some kick boxing and stuff instead ....

Just deciding if I want to have one more crack at the competitive stuff before I get past it :lol:

But I`m already training 5 nights a week mate with BJJ and stuff thrown in ....

Post by Guest »

I'm not sure what Frank would tell you but I think you'd probably have to ditch BJJ and eat, breath, and schit, your uechi combos and spar with whoever you can. Those guys that fight in that tournament are athletes that put 95% of karatekas to shame (myself included).

Post by Stryke »

Deffinately Man ... there incredible and If no illusions how hard it`d be .

And I dont think I could give up all my other training , Have a few good contacts though , plenty of folks to beat the crap outta me :lol:

just another angle I could take my training , challenges are good ;)
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Hello Stryke and Bronze dago...

Post by mgianetta »

The Sabaki challenge is a dream competition... Unfortunately, I believe it is only open to Enshin blackbelts. I hope I am wrong about that though.

Kumite is definately my favorite aspect of martial art practice and it is unfortunate that there seem to be fewer adult tournaments. My opinion, the point format isn't the problem but the contact... it is best when it is full.

Hope you don't mind a lurker scribling a note :D

:P It is open...

What training would everyone suggest as the best for this event? Is weight training and cardio necessary or could you be well trained by just sparring?

Post by Stryke »

Welcome onboard !!!

I think youd need a complete programm to compete in the sabaki challenge .

some maybe able to do it without the weights , but I wouldnt like too . I feel I`d loose to much mass when overtraining and extreme fitness come into account . Also I beleive your body would need the contrast to stay healthy .

deffinatley the fitness and sparring .

Personally Id treat it as similar to a build up to a full contact Muay Thai fight . I`d want that level of conditioning so one could focus on the skill set .

Of course working on the sabaki style skillset instead , But I spend a lot of time in the Kick boxing gym getting knocked around .

I agree it`d be the ultimate in a karate sport format .
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