Outside the dojo

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Outside the dojo

Post by mjanson »


Being a new student of Uechi-Ryu for 3 years, I am very disappointed with what I have discovered in the martial arts world. I am no longer welcomed in my dojo because I choose to explore my options and take advantage of such wonderful programs like Summerfest, Winterfest, Competitions, or any Outside Activities. All of these experiences have been extremely positive. I study with my son. I encourgace his developement in self- confidence. I have discovered that other teachers and students are afraid to "step outside" of the dojo.

Mary Janson
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Post by mjanson »

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Post by Glenn »

Hi Mary, welcome to the forum. Don't worry about Laird, he seems to off on a mission-oriented tangent at the moment.

Unfortunately your experiences with the martial arts world are familiar to many, and I've know a few dojo owners like that as well. Fortunately there are also teachers who encourage exploring the world outside their dojo. This forum is generally pretty open, informative, and entertaining too.

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Post by mjanson »

Thanks Glenn
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Post by mjanson »


I agree......thanks for the positive reply. I have been fortunate to meet many that are also. Just not in my neighborhood. < sigh > but all is good and will work out.
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Post by mjanson »

Thanks to all for your initial support. This is my first time to the forum.
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Post by Glenn »

Keep looking, you'll find a dojo that is compatable for you. Depending on where you are you may have to do some networking and checking around to find one though.
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Post by benzocaine »

... and then there are the idiots out there who think you are not training because you post. There feeble minds cannot fathom that it takes but a few minutes to get on the forum and type your thoughts.

(hi guys :wink: )
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Post by eSc »

And as everyone knows there is a wealth of knowledge on these forms alone.

I love to learn new information and share it with my local karateka's that I practice with. They find it quite interesting / enlighting.
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Post by Van Canna »

... and then there are the idiots out there who think you are not training because you post. There feeble minds cannot fathom that it takes but a few minutes to get on the forum and type your thoughts.
Well, my understanding is that in the old days, after class with Kanbun sensei, he would encourage long discussions about the study that would go into the night.

Those students were also ‘training failures’ because they ‘posted’ their thoughts in open discussions. :lol:

And the people who don’t have the confidence or the ability to spell and write a coherent sentence, are reluctant to post, and prefer to lay on the couch guzzling beer after the workouts or do ‘socials’ at their nearest pub with hamburgers and fries. :P

The truth is hard to swallow_ what they read on the forums; take the shape of monsters of the mind they rather not deal with.

And a day is made of 24 hours, I think, how long do you think those whiners’ workouts last? And what do they do in their spare time? :?

I have discovered that other teachers and students are afraid to "step outside" of the dojo.
This is sad, but it is human nature. You will find that those people have deep anxieties about their own standing in the Uechi world and fear losing their students to more capable senseis. :P

Nothing new. I wish you all the best, Mary. :)
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Right on...

Post by CANDANeh »

benzocaine wrote:... and then there are the idiots out there who think you are not training because you post. There feeble minds cannot fathom that it takes but a few minutes to get on the forum and type your thoughts.

(hi guys :wink: )
Some do not post, that is very acceptable. A very human option.
However, It is very true some read the forums (which must take time away from thier work outs :lol: ) and have/will attempt to "enlighten" others as to those leading Uechi down the wrong path. I have heard "candan" is always online (good to know someone cares)
In all fairness, before the forums that type of person existed as well...used to bother me but I learned they soon disappear to a corner. Ostrich - ryu just doesn`t fly for me :lol:

Post by Stryke »

Well, my understanding is that in the old days, after class with Kanbun sensei, he would encourage long discussions about the study that would go into the night.
People make a big deal about how the masters would train for many hours a day , form what I heard this involved a lot of chatting shooting the breeze and drinking tea .

A friend of mine says training on okinawa when on a personal level , can be very much like this . He taught me some nice Goju apps and he said they came form an old okinawan guy in a bar ....

I think the forums (especially Vans) has always had that bohemian cafe feel , were we can talk about training and life with friends .
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »


Right on. I think we have discussed before that Uechi, for some people, is a warped obsession, just like the teenager who cannot grow past his masturbation compulsion.

I have seen them as socially inadequate eroto-maniacs believing that ‘their brand’ of Uechi is truly their destiny, and likely not having much of a positive self image, as they engage in ‘attachment seeking’ _

Setting them adrift early in our Uechi lifetime is a skill worth cultivating.

I think the forums (especially Vans) has always had that bohemian cafe feel , were we can talk about training and life with friends .
Thanks my friend. And this is true because we live a multidimensional life, where experience and receptivity to all of life, is more critical to happiness and fulfillment _ rather than of pathological dependence on Uechi ‘puppetry’ holding a self imposed expectation of something completely unattainable.

And look at the whom and what/why was ‘triggered’ in ‘dissed’ uprising by our past exchanges.

Behavior reflects personalities_ always.

Good point, Marcus.

The ones, who claim to be too busy working out to join our discussions, are usually feigning a reason for not possessing an ability to recover their most profound thoughts and share them with others.

Not realizing that by this avoidance, they are denying themselves the chance of better reflecting on some beneficial truth of life to be discovered by a confluence of the minds.

Becoming a ‘master of the self’ involves the concession of the ‘self’ to friends_ and some of us have made very good friends and developed sound loyalties on these pages. :D

Post by Stryke »

Agreed Van , people talk all the time of lack of ego and how it`s needed to learn in the MA

but then words always wound , and conversation isnt about openess and sharing it`s more popular to find a reason why it`s bad .

Being wrong is a joy to me , it usually precedes learning , and I`m happy to laugh about it .

yet many would rather read and discredit without posting , and shun a winterfest because of politics , hey when the pine box is lowered we`ll sure have showed them with all the fun weve missed , and friends we never made ....

call sharing unpleasant or not kind and gentle , I prefer to think it`s human , real , in touch with the world and people .... but many these days sadly find it awkward to even talk openly to the closest loves of there life , let alone take time to make friends of strangers .
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Post by f.Channell »

I encourage my students to go to other schools, camp or seminars.

I'm secure enough to realize I don't know everything.

I had more than one professor in College also believe it or not.

If you truly want your students to surpass you, which every teacher should want, They need to spread the wings out a little.

Sans Peur Ne Obliviscaris
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