Sex and Ms. adrenaline

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Van Canna
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Sex and Ms. adrenaline

Post by Van Canna »

:) Boxers are adviced not to have sex 2 weeks before a fight because it lowers the adrenaline, what's the relationship between fighting and adrenaline?

Any tips on how to increase your adrenaline?
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

I have noted it lowers my stamina, causes my legs to be weaker (tire more easily, shake, cramp up), and generally knocks the edge out of me.
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

Or is it ...that abstinence creates aggression :idea: :wink:
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Post by Van Canna »

I was told by my first coach that when you ejaculate, it s_ucks all of the blood out of the back of your thighs. Thus making the strongest muscle group in your body lacking in nutrients and oxygen.

Most of the boxers power comes from his legs, therefore they need to be in prime condition to fight with.
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

Do you ejaculate blood?? I guess not - so why do you think it ***** the blood out of whatever muscle group? When you get an erection, then THIS is held up by the increased flow of blood but this blood will go back into the circulation when the erection goes away.... But in any case, I don't think that sex and adrenaline are connected.

Someone else mentioned that adrenaline might be confused with testosterone here and I think so too. Testosterone is this male hormone that is responsible for male sexual aggressiveness, adrenaline is the fight and flight hormone in both men and woman that is triggered by fear rather than sex thus it is not depleted by sex.
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Post by AAAhmed46 »

Tito ortiz says it's a rumour, and that sex before fighting is bad because of the hunt and the drinking before hand.

Chuck liddel says the same thing.

Though me myself personally, training afterward makes you tired and your back hurts.
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Glass Jaw?

Post by Topos »

Glass Jaw: term used in the 1940's for a boxer who could not take a punch. Rock Marciano seemed to be invulnerable to being hit with anything up to a 5 pound sledge hammer.

"Rocky Marciano is the ONLY undefeated champion in ANY weight class in the history of gloved boxing. Considering how many champions there have been, somewhat over 300, that is quite a feat in itself.
But he also brought to boxing the kind of dignity and courage that makes us admire the truly great athletes."

On the quotation " I have noted it lowers my stamina, causes my legs to be weaker (tire more easily, shake, cramp up), and generally knocks the edge out of me."

Woody Allen's famous line " No problem, I am slowly getting feeling back in my jaw" could be a preliminary bout for a cautious boxer. :) :) :)
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Post by Jason Rees »

Van Canna wrote:Or is it ...that abstinence creates aggression :idea: :wink:
I think you hit it on the head there, Van.
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Bill Glasheen
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Post by Bill Glasheen »

It's an old wive's tale, Van.

There has been much discussion of this in various sports circles. The truth is... most coaches and bosses will tell you that a single guy staying out late drinking and chasing tale is less likely to be a stable athlete or company worker than a married one who goes home early, gets some, and gets a good night's sleep. The data back that assertion up. That - the experts say - is more than likely the origin of the urban myth.

The only thing I've heard postulated is that you might not want to ejaculate say a few minutes before running the 100 meter dash in the Olympics. Save the sex for when you can enjoy the afterglow. Otherwise, the night before is fine - particularly if it helps break the tension enough for you to get to sleep.

- Bill
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

Ok...I get it...


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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

I think you are right Bill... :wink:
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Post by AAAhmed46 »

Bill Glasheen wrote:It's an old wive's tale, Van.

There has been much discussion of this in various sports circles. The truth is... most coaches and bosses will tell you that a single guy staying out late drinking and chasing tale is less likely to be a stable athlete or company worker than a married one who goes home early, gets some, and gets a good night's sleep. The data back that assertion up. That - the experts say - is more than likely the origin of the urban myth.

The only thing I've heard postulated is that you might not want to ejaculate say a few minutes before running the 100 meter dash in the Olympics. Save the sex for when you can enjoy the afterglow. Otherwise, the night before is fine - particularly if it helps break the tension enough for you to get to sleep.

- Bill
Then why does it hurt ma back?
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Bill Glasheen
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Post by Bill Glasheen »

AAAhmed46 wrote:

Then why does it hurt ma back?
Exactly what the hell are you doing in the bedroom, Adam? YOU are supposed to be in HER saddle, and not the other way around.

Isn't your teacher showing you how to do the Sanchin tuck? :roll:

- Bill
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Post by AAAhmed46 »

Bill Glasheen wrote:
AAAhmed46 wrote:

Then why does it hurt ma back?
Exactly what the hell are you doing in the bedroom, Adam? YOU are supposed to be in HER saddle, and not the other way around.

Isn't your teacher showing you how to do the Sanchin tuck? :roll:

- Bill
Have you heard of anything?

Anything at all that could possibly account for this?
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Bill Glasheen
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Post by Bill Glasheen »

If you aren't joking...

For what it's worth, the Sanchin pelvic tuck and the typical male coital motion are very similar. Both involve contraction of lower abdominal muscles on the thrust (tuck) and lumbar area back muscles on the "un-thrust" or "un-tuck." The motion also involves creating (un-tuck) and removing (tucking) lumbar lordosis, or the curve in the small of your back. And so therin lies your back involvement.

Every time I work on this in class, Miss Vicki starts laughing. She is sooo bad. :oops: I'm such an innocent lad, you know... :roll:

If you've got a bad back, Adam, these issues will come to the surface. It isn't the motion per se that's bothering you. Rather "the problem" is the finger pointing at another problem. Perhaps you should visit a doctor, an osteopath, or a chiropractor. If all is well, then I will recommend some exercises.

Most beginners in Sanchin just tuck and stay there. I'm lucky to get them to do that much. But once the body has the muscle memory to achieve the Sanchin tuck, advanced students sometimes work on a body whip motion that - among other things - involves un-tucking and tucking the pelvis. When I saw Master Uechi do the funny body undulation in his front kick or Nakamatsu do his funny hippy whippy thing in his Sanchin thrust, I used to think this was bad form. But as they say, first you make the mold, and then you break it. This is all about maximizing core muscle contribution to your technique.

- Bill
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