Panchakarma boosts health

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Panchakarma boosts health

Post by Buxto »

What do you know about Panchakarma? You may soon come up with an answer – that it is a therapy used in Ayurveda. But this definition gives only a vague picture of the therapy.Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word, meaning `five actions' and as the name suggests, the therapy involves five procedures to remove all the toxins from our body. According to Ayurveda, a healthy body needs a balance of three elemental humours or Doshas such as vata, pitha and kapha. Panchakarma aims at making the body reorganise itself in such a way that the increased doshas will be eliminated to attain a state of balance of the humours within the body. A control over diet and an intake of some herbal medicines too will be suggested, as part of Panchakarma, by the practitioners. These measures help enhancing the metabolic process. Oil massage, nasal therapy, therapeutic enema and many other processes are involved in Panchakarma.

``According to this ancient system of healthcare, each body is different in its combination of the doshas. A disease occurs when there is an imbalance. The practitioners are expected to give medicine in order to balance the doshas,'' says Sati Devi, a researcher in Ayurveda.

There are many a kerala ayurvedic center which offers Panchakarma therapy to the tourists and the natives alike. With an Ayurveda practitioner's help and advice you too can undergo the therapy in Ayurveda hospitals, resorts or spas.
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Re: Panchakarma boosts health

Post by emattson »

National Library of Medicine has published an article Apr 27, 2009 titled:
"Ayurveda and Panchakarma: Measuring the Effects of a Holistic Health Intervention"
See: ... HMS116241/

They did not find evidence that overall quality of life was improved through the use of Panchakarma. Preliminary results suggest it may be effective in helping person achieve better lifestyle habits, healthier behavior patterns. Perceived social support and depression showed significant improvements 3 months after the program.

I wish to have them make comparison to a traditional western style support group to see if the improved behavior was simply from peer pressure.

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Re: Panchakarma boosts health

Post by gmattson »

Good work Eric. Although we welcome discussion on the subject of health, not related to Western medicine beliefs, we should explore methods of determning the value of such methods.
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Re: Panchakarma boosts health

Post by Kyliecox »

Panchakarma sounds like a powerful way to cleanse and balance the body according to Ayurveda. It's fascinating how it aims to eliminate toxins and balance the doshas through various procedures like oil massage and herbal medicines. For those interested in holistic health and spiritual well-being, connecting with a Spiritual Life Coach can provide additional guidance and support on integrating these practices into daily life.
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Re: Panchakarma boosts health

Post by emattson »

For your information, Ayurveda or Ayurvedic medicine was developed more than 5,000 years ago in India. As much as 80% of the population report using Ayurveda India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. It is a system of medicine based on the idea that disease is caused by an imbalance or stress in a person's consciousness. Ayurveda (a Sanskrit word that means "science of life" or "knowledge of life") is one of the world's oldest whole-body healing systems.

The FDA has warned that 1 in 5 ayurvedic medicines contain toxic metals, like lead, mercury, and arsenic. I tend to be suspicious of herbal or other alternate medication based on gruesome past experience.

An Ayurvedic diet focuses on an increase in eating fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, which has been proven to be healthy, being similar to the well studied Mediterranean Diet. Yoga has also been proven in helping chronic pain.

Web MD has an excellent article on Ayurvedic medicine.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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