Avoid Stressful, unavoidable Tasks. . . like MOVING!

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Avoid Stressful, unavoidable Tasks. . . like MOVING!

Post by gmattson »

After experiencing the challenges of two moves within a short timeframe, I can personally vouch for the immense physical and mental toll it can take. Recently, a friend who happens to work in the moving industry requested me to contribute an article to her website, providing valuable insights and tips to alleviate the stress associated with the moving process.

Just moments ago, I received an email from her, containing a link to the website where my article, alongside numerous other informative pieces, is now published. I encourage you to take a moment to explore this invaluable resource.
You can find my article, along others addressing this subject, by visiting:

https://threemovers.com/safeguarding-yo ... elocating/

I genuinely hope you find the article enjoyable and helpful, even if you currently have no immediate plans of moving.
George E. Mattson"
"Do or do not. there is no try!"
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