"acupuncture is (a)principle,not (a) technique"

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"acupuncture is (a)principle,not (a) technique"

Post by Halford »

:D At work today, I came across this statement on a flyer sent out by a group that was offering seminars,etc. on acupuncture and somehow connected with chiropracters or chiropractic. As concerns the latter, there has been a tendency in years(well back in the sixties anyway) to bring in alternative therapies and treatments to chiropractic rather than adhering to the original teachings and techniques of the Palmer School,etc. The idea of these seminars, I think, was to demonstrate this statement to skeptics and holdouts,etc. and to also attract those who have wondered about acupuncture,etc. I ;immediately thought of Rick Wilson when I saw this statement because we have been discussing the topics of principles versus techniques and vice versa and I thought he'd enjoy seeing this and knowing about it. I was not able to jot down their website address, however.
Rick Wilson

Post by Rick Wilson »


HA, great stuff. Of course what would the principles of acupuncture be without the application of technique eh?

Thank you.

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Deep Sea
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Function Before Form

Post by Deep Sea »

Ah, the wonderful world of Acupuncture.

Function before form, I say.

But first, I’m not exactly sure who the Palmer School is. A search on the Internet revealed and outfit who promises a college diploma by mail…

Acupuncture has its fine points. Often, experts in Acupuncture are also well-experienced in Chiropractic, and the treatment goes hand-in-hand. Sorry for the play on words, but sometimes I can’t help but PUNishing.

The people of whom I speak also make the connection betwixt the two, but to them and their culture it is not alternative medicine, rather the primary medicine. Both my wife [very recently] and I have had intensive treatment of the kind, and those two procedures do go together.

However, I have my doubts concerning seminars of the nature. What and who are they trying to capture? Much od what is advertised as the practice of those two are just scamous ways to plant meat hooks in order to rake in the cash from the unsuspecting.

But maybe, I consider Acupuncture a cure rather than either a principle or a technique. That's my definition of it, anyway.
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And so it goes!

Post by Halford »

The Palmer School of Chiropractic is/was the first major school of Chiropractic(in Davenport,Iowa?) founded by Chiropractic's Founder Palmer(his first name escapes me now). Newer schools of Chiro seldom acknowledge him much like those of Osteopathy do not acknowledge too much the original methods,etc. I do know that my chiropractor, who has long since passed, wanted me to be a chiropractor and gave me a booklet or catalogue from that school, which I have stashed away somewhere. I was 'subjected' to chiropractic at a very early age,infancy, and have utilized it in the past but not so much now. It's been years and years since I've seen one,luckily. Yes, mail order groups do exist and this has been a practice since the thirties or so. America thrives on mail order: from brides to degrees,to merchandise and money-makers,etc.etc.etc. Actually, for all the faults of such, other countries cannot compare to us in this respectk!
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Deep Sea
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Post by Deep Sea »

Yes, mail order groups do exist and this has been a practice since the thirties or so.
Recorded mail order began in the 1500s'. Americans ordered goods before the Revolutionary war as well. However, it was only a few years after the Civil War that the Great American catalogue ordering became popular. I believe it was Monkey's Ward (Montgomery Ward) who produced the first catalogue, years before Sears and Roebuck's.

A lifelong friend of mine graduated from a Chiropractic institute just outside of Chicago. Judging by what he tells me, Chiropractic is pretty good stuff.
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Yes, mail order is a time-honored institution!

Post by Halford »

:D Then came Sears and the old Johnson Smith catalogs! Then seed catalogs for farmers that they drooled over during long winters and began ordering seeds for Spring,etc. The US Post Office began with Benjamin Franklin a most wise man who knew a good thing when he saw it and not the present-day idiots are in the process of destroying the Post Office. :wink:
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Deep Sea
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Post by Deep Sea »

Then seed catalogs for farmers that they drooled over during long winters
I think that back then. Visa and the Internet would have been a better choice.
The US Post Office began with Benjamin Franklin a most wise man who knew a good thing when he saw it and not the present-day idiots are in the process of destroying the Post Office.
Explain your sentiments, my good man.
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-- Allen
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Farmers back then didn't have time for the internet

Post by Halford »

They had chores in the barns to do, like milking twice a day,etc. Anyway, looking at a computer screen is not the same as really looking at a catalog or a book or some other handy object. Despite handheld gadgets and laptops and similar things, a book,a paperback, a magazine, or a catalog,etc. is easier to handle in bed and other places. At least for me. As for the post office, just go down and take a look. Like so many other institutions and corporations, upper management in their 'infinite wisdom' is slowly destroying everything for various reasons. Well, stay wired to your computers but don't blink too much when the power fails! Keep a candle handy and a song in your heart! :wink: Halford
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On techniques & principles

Post by Adam »

Well, I'm a student at Palmer. Maybe I can explain the poster and why I roll my eyes at it.
There's lots of "techniques" out there, basically a number of ways to treat a patient, usually put together by one or a couple good and successful chiropractors. The vast majority of chiropractors mix different techniques they learn to fit the way that they want to practice. The problem comes when one chiropractor (and chiropractic students tend to do this more than doctors) refuses to look at anything outside of technique they learned.
My guess is the poster is for a seminar that attempts to teach attendants how to start using acupuncture in their practice, mixing it into whatever techniques they already practice.
Oh, and as far as chiropractic being a good thing, I think it would be a benefit to every single person in the world, if they were atleast on a maintenance schedule with a good chiropractor. :)

One of a couple students at Palmer College of Chiropractic with a Uechi Ryu background.
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Deep Sea
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Post by Deep Sea »

Like so many other institutions and corporations, upper management in their 'infinite wisdom' is slowly destroying everything for various reasons.
If it's anything like DEC was then I can understand fully, Halford.

What is the name of that Chiropractic school about 35 or so miles s/w of downtown Chicago and still in Chicagoland, Adam. I understand that one is a top-rated school.
Always with an even keel.
-- Allen
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Have you read Dr. Kim's book ACUPUNCTURE FOR SELF DEFENSE?

Post by Halford »

:D This book was one of the first to come out on the relationship of acupuncture to martial arts or karate/kempo/kungfu specifically, if I am not mistaken, though other texts had hints of such. The material,however, was most difficult to utilized and understand without guidance,etc. Dr. Kim has since done other things in the field of acupuncture,etc. He has had several recent articles in TAI KWON DO TIMES.
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