Hyperventilating w/ weights

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Post by jaybo »


Thanks for the information on the cholesterol lowering drugs/diets and cramps. I'm also trying the diet approach, but I guess if I my diet was originally decent enough, I wouldn't be on the drugs, or at least not so high a dose.

Then again, family history might be a factor as my father just had a triple by-pass at a relatively young age and is also on the same drug as I am, albeit at a lower doseage now. Our family doc said I was headed for the same operation quicker than my old man, hence the higher dose and my revamped diet and the gym thing.

I hear you wrt listening to your body. I got a flu shot but finally lost the battle of hand washing, green tea, and chicken soup and have a cold where the aches, pains, and congestion are below the neck, which I've read means I should stay away from exercise, or at least intense ones. Not that I feel like working out anyways right about now w/ this nasty cold of mine. And forget about throwing on the hockey gear for, "the old college try".

Thanks, jaybo
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Post by IJ »

Weightlifting isn't bad for you, but if you want to avoid cardiac disease, the better exercise program is aerobic exercise at least three times a week (warning: if you're not young and healthy, then after clearance from a doctor). Anaerobic training doesn't offer the same health benefits as aerobic work.
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