Post your Sanchin Kata Video here

Differences in moves, techniques, emphasis and applications.

Post by Guest »

Ben , I can’t tell you how pleased I am you have posted your kata. We are all lucky GEM has provided us a place to share, we should take advantage of it. There are many flavors of Uechi…I want to sample them all!

Rank is not an issue in sharing…I’m a sankyu, Rick’s a Yon Dan , you’re a ikkyu, Marcus is a jukyu, who cares, our rank does not invalidate our opinions or our search for answers. :wink:

I enjoyed your Seisan! Your very yang! I’m very fond of yang.

I enjoy exploring the kata relaxed and sinking on the strikes.

I love the way you open up the qwa (Shoulders) on the draw back. Big expansion of the chest. I’d like to see you experiment with closing the qwa /torso on the strikes. Sinking and compression adds more bang for your buck! Power for free, it’s like an MTV concept

Speaking of bucks…Marcus and I like the trophy on the wall! You’re a bow hunter?

The jump back is a difficult thing. The goal is to stick the landing leg and let it play shock absorber spring. It’s a plyometric response.

I have a reputation as a Uechi heritic….I dance to my own drum beat. I rarely practice this movement as a jump back. See the Tomoyose clip no jump… I like it!

I see this movement as a crane thingie….that does not involve bamboo swords swung in Jim Carrie fashion. I simply see it as an exit in clinch range.

Get away from the big burly EBG by retreating. As you retreat cup the back of the EBG’s head with the salute hand. Step back and clear the garbage out of the way with a downward scooping block. Raise the knee, it will find a home .

Just food for though!

BTW, I’m pleased to put a face to the name!
Last edited by Guest on Mon Jul 12, 2004 1:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Rick Wilson

Post by Rick Wilson »

My daughter is working late on a web site contract so things may not get uploaded until tomorrow.

I also asked Mark Brelsford if I could up load the Kata from his 6th Dan test in Okinawa. Mark just gave his okay, so expect to see them soon as well. :D

Good stuff folks. The various approaches to Uechi Ryu are best demonstrate through the heart and soul of Uechi – our Kata.

:D :D :D :D
Rick Wilson

Post by Rick Wilson »

Okay folks Here they are the first Guest Katas on the WKS web site.

I apologize for the video quality of some of Mark’s, the tape I was using has been watched a few times and degraded, but it still gives a good glimpse at his Kata.






Sanchin ... anchin.wmv

Seisan ... seisan.wmv

Sanseirui: ... seirui.wmv
Rick Wilson

Post by Rick Wilson »

Smaller and quicker to download versions of my Kata coming tomorrow night.

I find the smaller files are best viewed with Windows Media Player.
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Post by benzocaine »


Thanks for the kind words.

Get away from the big burly EBG by retreating. As you retreat cup the back of the EBG’s head with the salute hand
Cool. I've never thought of it like that.

The buck was my first. He's just a big bodied spike.. but my first. I got him last fall with my Father in laws muzzle loader. I love that gun! I really want my own. I love my .270m short mag too but haven't killed with it yet so....

Since we are on the deer topic :) I couldn't help but think about the dammage a knife can do to a person. That deer slpit open like nothing when I cut into him.

PS... what is yang?? :?
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Thanks Rick

Post by AlanL »

Thanks Rick for taking the time and effort to post my kata and for this idea. I always learn buy being exposed to alternate concepts for kata application.

It amazes me how we all evolve based on what we've been exposed to and what we feel most effective with to support our purpose.

Also thank to everyone who also posted their kata!

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Post by benzocaine »

Quick Definitions for 'yang'
noun: the bright positive masculine principle in Chinese dualistic cosmology

OK... cool :D
I’d like to see you experiment with closing the qwa /torso on the strikes. Sinking and compression adds more bang for your buck!
I'm not sure I understand. Qwa is an alien concept for me. Sinking makes sense..but Qwa puzzels me.

Post by Guest »

I got him last fall with my Father in laws muzzle loader. I love that gun!
I’ve never fired a muzzle loader, do they have an early season for the black powder guys in?
Since we are on the deer topic I couldn't help but think about the damage a knife can do to a person. That deer split open like nothing when I cut into him.
Pretty hard to defend yourself when standing slipping on your own gut pile….yet so many do not carry or train with blades. The use of blades continues to rise, yet many of us only give edged weapons a passing glance.
PS... What is yang??
Now that’s a tough question. It’s right up their with what’s chi.

Yin yang is a Chinese concept that marries well with the hard soft concepts in Uechi.

It’s a duality of man thing; the part of the spirit that’s said to be Yang is aggressive, muscular in nature….very hard. The direct method if you will.

The opposite of this is Yin which is soft and yielding…absorbing techniques. This is a side of Uechi that I have ignored in my early years. And have only recently begun to explore.

The yang is sometimes called the masculine side, is comfortable going hard and straight up the middle. Visually very hard aggressive karate.

The Yin is sometimes called the feminine side is less aggressive but no less effective. The Yin works by receiving not delivering force. The Yin will use your energy against you.

The Yang is just happy to blast a hole through the EBG, the Yin would prefer the EBG impales them self on a strike. Both are effective but utilize different strategies to face conflict.

So when I say your kata is very yang in nature, I'm complimenting you on it's aggresive nature!

Hope that helps
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Post by benzocaine »

I’ve never fired a muzzle loader, do they have an early season for the black powder guys in?
We have a long season for muzzel loader hunting and bow hunting. With the exception of a few days we can hunt from November 6 until January 1.

I think you'd like a muzzel loader. It fires slower than a regular rifle so it has less recoil and isn't as loud. I was very surprised the first time I shot one. One disadvantage is that if you only wound the animal it takes a bit to reload. It would really ****** if you were in Grizzly country.

I have to say I'm a little jealous of you guys up there. We have no Elk or Moose here, but then again I can't imagine dragging a moose out of the woods. You must have to carve it up out there.
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Hello "Amigos"

Post by diegoz_ar »

At last I have found a reliable & free hosting for the videos. Then are here

the page is in spanish, but I am sure anyone can manage, just click the link for "Sanchin" and "Sanchin Kitae".

An alternate way are these links:
Sanchin kitae :twisted:

I will try to post other katas as well. I am emjoying looking and learning how other people performances. Excelent idea Rick.


Post by Stryke »

Got an idea where someone has the disk space to post?
Hey Bill I think Rick would host it for you for a while .

It would be great to see your Sanchin if you wouldnt mind .

this is a great learning experience for me , seeing some great clips

I think I might of seen you on one of Georges tapes that Laird has , Have you been on any ? , was a few years ago by looks .

Post by Guest »

Diego the clips work fine, excellent !

This is a great thread ,folks please share your clips, us folks in the boonies don't get much exposure to the rest of the Uechi world!

I'm enjoying the diversity and I'm pumped by all the power! I suspect some of our Uechi brothers can bang! :wink:

Ben we quarter moose and haul them out with a pack train or on a quad. If you have a really large canoe ....a freighter you can paddle it out a quarter at a time.

The problem with hunting in the rockies is the grizzlies now equate a rifle shot with a gut pile. The shot attracks grizzlies and hunters some times are faced with a bear that thinks he should have the kill instead of the pile. So when your up to your shoulders in the moose you still must have your rifle close at never know who is going to show up when your gutting your kill..

We should probably take this somewhere's a shame to hijack this thread....

Mark and Allen are very powerful! yet they employ very different mechanics. much to explore...thank you gentlemen!


Post by Guest »

Qwa is another chinese term. Hey it's Ricks fault :wink:
Actually exploring our roots, but it's always difficult to discuss martial arts, as they are so many terms and concepts that are expressed with foreign language terms.

The qwa is the space in the shoulders and hips that opens and closes. Think of it this have an arm pit. if you raise your arms lateraly the arm pit opens. if you lower your arm the armpit closes.

The qwa opens and closes. you can open the shoulders and the hips to a lesser extent on the draw back of a sanchin thrust. Think of this as expanding your torso.

Your filled with air as your arm draws back. you have all this energy coiled ready to release. When you release it you unloose this coiled energy. As you release the strike you close the qwa. Close the expansion in the hip and shoulder at the same time.

This openning and closing of these joints is also refered to as expansion and compression.

These body mechanics add power into many Uechi movements.

Hope this helps, also you should visit Ricks thread on harmonies if your interested in these body mechanics.

Post by Guest »

They load quick and play well but the sound is messed up.
(still like em)
Last edited by Guest on Tue Jul 13, 2004 2:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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