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Our friends to the north are in a different boat...

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 11:24 pm
by RACastanet
Canada`s Gun Registry Has Not Improved Public Safety
- CNW Group
Canada`s homicide rate and number of gang-related murders has increased since the federal government`s firearms registry and licensing program was implemented, an indication that the program has failed to improve public safety, according to Hubris in the North, The Canadian Firearms Registry, a new report from independent research organization The Fraser Institute.

For the full story: ... c3822.html


Oregon protects self defense rights!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 11:33 pm
by RACastanet
Oregon Governor Signs Emergency Powers Provision!

House Bill 2370, a Homeland Security-related bill containing an amendment prohibiting any government agency from confiscating or regulating the lawful sale, possession, transfer, transport and carry of firearms during a state of emergency, was signed by Governor Ted Kulongoski (D) on Tuesday, July 3.

Two great pieces of legislation in Maine...

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 11:48 pm
by RACastanet
More good news on the self defense front. Hopefully Maine will enter into a reciprocity agreement with Richmond under one of the new laws.

Maine Legislative Session Ends With Two Pro-Gun Measures Enacted Into Law

Governor John Baldacci (D) signed two important pro-gun bills into law. Championed by State Representative Rich Cebra (R-101), LD148 would direct the Commissioner of Public Safety to work in cooperation with the Attorney General to conduct a comprehensive review of other states concealed weapon laws for the purpose of identifying and seeking other states with which Maine may enter into a concealed weapon reciprocity agreement. Also sponsored by Representative Cebra, LD1156 will amend the Maine Criminal Code to protect individuals from civil prosecution if the degree of force was justified.


Life gets tougher for residents of NJ...

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 11:49 pm
by RACastanet
New Jersey State Police Seeking to Enact Further Firearms Restrictions by Regulation

The New Jersey State Police recently issued new rule proposals for the regulation of firearms, magazines, and retailers in the Garden State. If approved, these regulations will have the rule of law without ever being debated by our legislators in Trenton, turning thousands of unsuspecting citizens into felons!


Good news if you travel in West Virginia

Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:36 am
by RACastanet
Concealed Weapon Agreement
Posted: 11:41 AM Aug 20, 2007
Last Updated: 3:35 PM Aug 20, 2007
Reporter: Associated Press
Email Address:



A | A | A West Virginians who have concealed weapons permits can now legally carry their firearms in eight other states, and residents of those states can do the same in the Mountain State.

Attorney General Darrell McGraw announced today that he has entered into a concealed handgun reciprocity agreement with Pennsylvania.

The office already had full reciprocity agreements with Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, South Dakota and Virginia. Seven other states recognize West Virginia permits, but the mountain state does not honor their permits. Those states are Vermont, Montana, Oklahoma, Missouri, Tennessee, Indiana and Michigan.

The Legislature changed state law earlier this year to allow the attorney general, rather than the governor, to negotiate such agreements.

Several other states formally recognize West Virginia's 82-thousand or more concealed weapons permits, but West Virginia does not yet have an agreement with those states guaranteeing that same recognition here.

Missouri Self Defense law is in effect now...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 12:23 am
by RACastanet
Blunt Strengthens Missourians` Second Amendment Freedoms
- Governor Matt Blunt
Legislation Gov. Matt Blunt called for in his January State of the State Address clearly reinforcing Missourians legal right to use force while defending themselves and their families from attack took effect August 28.

Republcan Presidential Candidates at the NRA Conference!

Posted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 4:59 pm
by RACastanet
The candidates are lining up to support our 2nd amendment rights!

Remarks by Former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-AR) at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC -- 9/21/07

Read More

Remarks by Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC -- 9/21/07

Read More

Remarks by former Senator Fred Thompson (R-TN) at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC -- 9/21/07

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Remarks by Senator Mitch McConnel at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC -- 9/21/07

Read More

Remarks by Senator John McCain (R-AZ) at NRA's "Celebration of American Values" Conference in Washington, DC -- 9/21/07

Read More


[quote]Castle Doctrine Law Helping Victims Of Crimes[/quote]

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:16 pm
by RACastanet
Who would have thought it?

Please read... ... 003/NEWS01

West VA Senator confident about ‘castle doctrine’ bill

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 8:20 pm
by RACastanet
More good info and news for the law abiding...

Read on: ... 32939.html

More good news. This time from Nevada...

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 11:06 pm
by RACastanet
New Nevada Right-to-Carry Reform Law Goes into Effect Today!

In May, after years of legislative wrangling, the Nevada State Legislature passed Senate Bill 237, which will permit out of state CCW permit holders whose permit standards are substantially similar to that of Nevadas to carry firearms for self-defense in Nevada. SB 237 mandates that recognized states have a 24-hour accessible database.

A huge win in Pennsylvania!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:16 am
by RACastanet
Pennsylvania Gun Owners Defeat Governors Gun Control Package!

Despite testimony from Governor Ed Rendell (D) in the House Judiciary Committee today, a bipartisan majority of committee members voted to protect the Second Amendment rights of Pennsylvanias gun owners by defeating three gun control bills. Please contact the members of the House Judiciary Committee TODAY and thank those that voted No to these anti-gun measures. Also, please contact those committee members that voted yes and ask them why they voted to restrict the rights of Pennsylvanias law-abiding gun owners.

Here is the case we have been waiting decades for...

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 2:18 am
by RACastanet
U.S. Supreme Court to Hear First Second Amendment Case Since 1939

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Fairfax, Va. - The United States Supreme Court today announced its decision to take up District of Columbia v. Heller-a case in which plaintiffs challenge the unconstitutional gun ban in the nation’s capital. The District of Columbia appealed a lower court’s ruling earlier this year affirming that the Second Amendment of the Constitution protects an individual right to keep and bear arms, and that the District’s bans on handguns, carrying firearms within the home, and possession of loaded or operable firearms for self-defense violate that right.

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 5:53 pm
by Bill Glasheen
This is BIG, Rich. Isn't this the first time that the Supreme Court has chosen to weigh in on the matter?

It's been my impression that the Supreme Court has actively avoided ruling on the (intentionally?) ambiguous language of that amendment.

- Bill

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:54 pm
by RACastanet
Isn't this the first time that the Supreme Court has chosen to weigh in on the matter?
Yes, it is. Back in the 1930s SCOTUS made a ruling about the legality of sawed off shotguns - that they are not what the framers had in mind - and that is the only basis of most of the gun control legislation and laws in this this country. But they have never ruled directly on the meaning of the 2nd Amendment. So, SCOTUS has finally decided to take the issue head-on.

I am expecting they will vote 5 to 4 that the 2nd Amendment guarantees an 'individual right' to own firearms. We will know in June.


Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:41 am
by RACastanet
Here is an unexpected and big win for firearm owners in California:

Municipalities can`t ban people from owning handguns, court rules
- San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco`s ban on handguns, blocked by a legal challenge since voters approved it in November 2005, suffered a possibly fatal blow Wednesday when a state appeals court ruled that local governments have no authority under California law to prevent people from owning pistols

Chalk one up for the ordinary citizen!
