Did I really hear this?

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Did I really hear this?

Post by Rising Star »

watching the debate - had to run to my computer.

Did Barrack Hussein Obama just say ''I believe many of you may remember the tragedy of 9/11" ?

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Post by AAAhmed46 »

What debate?
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Post by Bill Glasheen »

Get used to it, John. We haven't heard the last of him. The dialogue gets more shrill, personal, and irrelevant while global problems get ignored.

This last month of the campaign is my least favorite. The person wearing the most teflon wins, and we all lose.

- Bill
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Post by IJ »

I am shocked, just shocked, that a politician would mention 9/11 to make a point or not in the most respectful way possible :)
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Post by AAAhmed46 »

IJ wrote:I am shocked, just shocked, that a politician would mention 9/11 to make a point or not in the most respectful way possible :)
He's the black Giuliani.
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Post by Gene DeMambro »

Got a problem with the name his parents gave him, John?
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Post by TSDguy »

Here is the quote in context.
You know, a lot of you remember the tragedy of 9/11 and where you were on that day and, you know, how all of the country was ready to come together and make enormous changes to make us not only safer but to make us a better country and a -- and a -- and a more unified country. And you know, President Bush did some smart things at the outset, but one of the opportunities that was missed when he spoke to the American people, he -- he said: Go out and shop. That wasn't the kind of call to service that I think the American people were looking for.
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Post by TSDguy »

Has anyone noticed everyone making a bid deal about McCain calling Obama "that one"? My wife mentioned it immediately and I thought she was crazy. Then commentators on NBC and ABC mentioned it back to back as though McCain was being racist. I think that's getting awfully petty and nitpicky; I hate McCain with every ounce of my soul, but I don't think he was being racist. :roll:

Then on Fox news they talked about how it was really cold in there and maybe voters would be swayed by the faces because the senators were cold. Well, it was about that time my wife pried the .44 out of my mouth and convinced me to turn off Fox.
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Post by Rising Star »

Not at all Gene.

I just used his name because that is his name. Is there a problem with me using it? Oh I see, if his full name is mentioned then people might equate him with other terrorists/dictators that share his name. That would be unfair wouldn't it?

I mean why would anyone think that especially with the honorable company and counsel that he keeps, for example: Tony Lezko, or Bill Ayers, or the Reverend Jeremiah Wright?

I think that would be a huge injustice and I am sure that the populations of all 57 states would agree.

And if the democrat candidate for president (much more politically correct than to use his name, dontcha think?) is elected, then I am sure that all 95% of us will benefit from his plan to reduce taxes, that government spending will be reduced, and peace and love will rule the day. (oh wait, only about 60% of us pay income tax)

Gotta run and check out the real estate opportunities in Iceland.

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Post by Gene DeMambro »

You see, John, the only people who are using his full given name are those people who are trying to equate him to others who are named "Hussein" or names from similar ethnic or cultural extraction who, by coincidence, are also implicted in terrorist acts against the US and its interests. You aren't one of those people, I'm sure. But if you insist on using some stupid guilt-by-association in mentioning Ayers, Wright and Lezko, then when you cast your lot in with those bozos who use his full name for nefarious purposes-when he doesn't even use it - then expect to get called on it.

Your other remarks have been addressed, both here and other venues. Help yourself to the information available to you.

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Post by Rising Star »


I am sure that he doesn't use his full name for precisely the reasons you set forth. I am not suggesting that Obama is a member of the Weather Underground or that he goes on tirades about the "U.S of kkka", however, when he casts his lot in with folks of that ilk then it is reasonable to call into question, at the very least, his judgement.

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Post by Bill Glasheen »


First, thanks for the quote and clarification.

Second... referring to Obama as a person not present was discussed on NBC this morning. Senator Biden's view is that this is the way John McCain talks when he is "angry", of course putting his own spin on it. (The stereotype of McCain's alleged Irish temper.) That being said, Biden made nothing of it. That's McCain's style the way George HW Bush used to refer to himself in the third person (and Dana Carvey used to mimic in his impersonation of Papa Bush.)

Let's not forget "I did not have sex with that woman... Miss Lewinsky." That wasn't racist. It was William Jefferson Clinton being Bad Willie.

And finally... I disagree with Obama with respect to the following...
And you know, President Bush did some smart things at the outset, but one of the opportunities that was missed when he spoke to the American people, he -- he said: Go out and shop. That wasn't the kind of call to service that I think the American people were looking for.
He absolutely SHOULD have told them to shop, just as people need to have ice water running through their veins in this economy. When everyone gets in bunker mode, the whole world loses. When people are afraid to go out and spend money, the world economy collapses. Then the terrorists win.

The absolute best defense against terrorism is to get on with your lives. Bush was right; Obama's looking for a sound byte and blew it.

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"The Most Beautiful Sound ... Evening Muslim Prayers&qu

Post by Topos »

"You see, John, the only people who are using his full given name are those people who are trying to equate him to others who are named "Hussein" or names from similar ethnic or cultural extraction who, by coincidence, are also implicted in terrorist acts against the US and its interests."

During an interview Barak Hussein Obama said "The Most Beautiful Sound ... Evening Muslim Prayers" ... and proceeded to recite it. Good for him emulating a Hodja. And good for those who are not intimidated by actually mentioning the man's full name.

It is a 'Who GAS' moment!

If John McCain said during an interview that the happiest sound was the singing the Land of Dixie Civil War song I would assign a high probability that you would be in a high dudgeon.

And Bill Ayers is explicitly involved in anti-American sentiments, as late as 9/11; even the doyenne of the Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton mentioned in detail Obama's connection to Ayers. In his reply to her he never disavowed Ayers but resorted to his standard lame diversionary tactic with " President Bill Clinton pardoned 2 terrorists". By modes ponens [ logic is a terrible thing to bring to a mental conflict :)] we can infer that Barak considers Ayers residing in the equivalence class of terrorists.

And as for the ubiquitously flung intimidation term "racist", it has died a graceless death in its tedious over use in the attempt to suppress honest discussion.

Barney Frank has stretched this past its elastic limit [ for those who know Hooks Law ] in accusing any condemnation of HIS negligent, vehement, and duplicitous standing in the way of any Fannie May oversights while reigning in charge over the last 6 years, as "racism against minorities. " [This was obtained from the scrolling translation of his words on cable news during his Elmer Fudd mouth full of something unmentionable drooling :) :) :) ]

Liberalism is indeed a mental disorder.

In reprise, one is indeed to be judged by the folks they hang around with, Barak's supporters like George Soros, Barney Frank, Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright, etc. It is a keystone of good intelligence gathering for making threat assessments.

As taciturn Calvin Coolidge once said "Them's my sentiments!"

[From a real minority of only 3 million of us in the entire world :) ]
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Post by TSDguy »

Conservative groups have thus far spent ten million dollars this year trying to make something, anything, out of the brief interaction on a charity board between Sen. Obama, and a rehabilitated former domestic radical from the '60s and not even Conservatives have been stupid enough to buy the snake oil, that this was either a close relationship or a nefarious one.
Gene DeMambro
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Post by Gene DeMambro »

I've never heard of John McCain's well known temper of being an "Irish" one.

I've never heard of Barack Obama reciting the Muslim call to prayer. It would not be unusal, as he was born to a Muslim father. Can you provide a credible reference for that one, Topos?

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