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power base

Posted: Fri Aug 22, 2014 3:54 pm
by Art Rabesa
You will hear me refer to the power base often. This element of your training is everything. You must first be able to feel it to understand what I'm talking about. This is what I do every day. It only takes a minute or so, but it really gets the RPM rocking. Check it out on my web site. Click on sanchin and go to sanchin opening on the video list. Add this drill to your workout. It will bring big rewards. ---------Happy Trails --------- Art Rabesa

Re: power base To close quarter drill

Posted: Sat Aug 23, 2014 1:33 pm
by Art Rabesa
In my last post on powerbase I referred you to the sanchin section of the web site,clicking to sanchin opening. The better power base drill is the "close quarter combat" section, clicking on "striking drill sanchin opening". As I mentioned before, this is a drill that will really enable you to feel the POWER BASE. Work it daily.I do it every day. Only takes a few minutes. --------Happy Trails --------Art Rabesa

Re: Setting the Power Base

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 4:25 pm
by Art Rabesa
This is the power base that I speak of. This is where the explosive power of the strikes is found. This must be established, and felt, in order to hit fast and hard. To be stationary and explode into your strikes from there, is what you are seeking. Sanchin is where this is found. Sanchin is how to practice it. That is why I never like to see sanchin rushed. Plant yourself in the sanchin stance -- then fire the thrust. To be able to strike very fast and hard, from a stationary position ,is something to work very hard on developing. Here is a link from my web site on this power base drill and set up. I hope it helps in setting that power base. ----Happy Trails----Art ... QSdCUh3_gA