Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"How’s your flexibility"

One way a physical therapist helps sore joints is giving him stretching exercises to increase flexibility.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 8: Adopt A Refined Methodology to Produce Transformative Results

Until now, your training probably has been measured by external factors. With an external form and with external variables such as weight or skill progression.

The highest level techniques are internal and happen inside your body, not outside of it. You need to bring your training to a higher level intellectually. You need to raise your standards regarding what it means to train “correctly”.

The mainstream fitness is full of myths and misconceptions which are only half true.

“Always use full range of motion”
“The elbows must always go inwards in the push up”
“Knees cannot go over the toes during a squat."

We can tell you that once you implement mindfulness and a proper methodology, all of these cues and myths are thrown out of the window.

The general fitness enthusiast only understands the external form of the exercise and how to measure the progress with weights and progressions.

What if we told you that form, control, tempo and stabilisation are far more powerful ways to make the exercise harder than just adding weight?

What if we told you that the exercise form is subjective… what if a good form for someone else can be a bad form for someone who has much higher standards and understanding of the human body?

Finally, what if we told you that we can give you this power to be in complete control over your body and training.

To have no need to listen to anyone else in regards to what happens in your body because your body shouts loud and clear exactly what it needs?
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

The rope has to be one of the oldest training tools in history.

Surprisingly, many ancient cultures had many sophisticated methods of rope training.

People didn't just climb the rope up and down, rather they utilized the equipment to its full capacity.

For many, rope climbing is uncomfortable and too difficult at first – but this is only because they don't know how to systematically and progressively utilize it.

There is more to rope climbing than people think...

And then, of course, there’s battle ropes

1. Provide A Low-Impact Workout
Battle ropes get your heart rate up and activate large muscle groups yet are still low-impact on key areas such as your joints and lower body. In high-impact exercises like running or jumping, your feet are constantly leaving and coming back into contact with the ground.

When you use battle ropes, however, you have the option of simply leaving your feet in place. Therefore, battle rope exercises enable you to sweat, get your heart rate up, and burn calories without putting excessive strain on your joints.

2. Builds Core Strength
Battle ropes have the ability to target different muscle groups by changing the directions you move them. When going side-to-side or up-and-down, for example, you work your upper body, lower body, and even your core.

One 2022 study1 evaluated 33 active men and women, putting them through a six-week, high-intensity battle rope program. At the end, researchers found increases in a number of physical metrics, including shoulder power output, push-up endurance, and, notably, sit-up endurance.

3. Improves Heart Health
If the idea of running on a treadmill isn’t your cup of tea, but you still want to improve your cardiovascular health, battle ropes could be the key. A February 2023 study1 noted that after six weeks of a battle rope regimen, study participants saw improved aerobic performance.

And, as Johns Hopkins Medicine2 points out, aerobic activity, like battle rope exercise, has numerous heart health benefits, including improving circulation.

4. Increases Athleticism
In a typical battle rope session, your body must adjust quickly to the weight and direction of the rope. This helps to improve speed, agility, range of motion, and your body’s reaction time.

In this October 2018 study3, researchers found that basketball players not only improved their upper body strength with battle rope training, but they also improved their overall shooting accuracy. It seems that battle ropes really can have unlimited benefits for the entire body.

5. Affordable
You can find battle ropes on major fitness manufacturer websites as well as on Amazon, with price tags that range from under $50 to a few hundred dollars. If you compare this to the average cost of a larger piece of cardio equipment, such as a treadmill, bike or rowing machine, you can see how battle ropes provide an affordable workout.

6. Compact And Portable
Battle ropes provide a great piece of fitness equipment for people who don’t have a lot of space. With lengths that range from 30 to 50 feet long and a thickness of 1.5 to 2 inches, you may even be able to take them with you on-the-go. Keep in mind that if you travel with them, you will need an anchor point for your ropes. This could be a squat rack or even a tree. Also, ropes can weigh as much as 50 pounds, so while they are possible to move, they aren’t exactly light.

7. Versatile For Cardio Workouts
One great thing about battle ropes is that they are incredibly versatile and easy to program into any home workout. Lunges, slams, waves, jumping jacks, rope claps, and burpees—the list goes on! Battle ropes easily lend themselves to a fat-burning HIIT workout, or can be implemented into circuit training alongside dumbbells, kettlebells and barbells..

8. Can Be Modified For Seated Athletes
Seated athletes or people with lower-body injuries have a great option for cardio with battle ropes. Ropes don’t require you to be on your feet; you can still move them up and down and in different patterns to work the upper body and core.

According to a December 2018 study4, battle ropes can be a great way for athletes who are unable to stand or use their lower body in an efficient way to get in a great cardiovascular endurance workout.

9. Time-Efficient, Full-Body Workout
If you’ve ever used battle ropes, you know how intense they can be. In just 10 minutes or less, you can get in a great workout.

A 2015 study5 put 11 physically active people through a 10-minute battle rope workout in which they worked for 15 seconds and rested for 45. Researchers found that the average heart rate during the workout was at 86% of the age-predicted maximum heart rate for participants, and the energy expenditure was around 467 kilojoules (plus or minus 161 kJ), which is equivalent to around 111 calories, plus or minus 38 calories.

Burning about 111 calories in 10 minutes is comparable to running a 10-minute mile, according to Harvard Health data6.

10. Improve Balance And Coordination
Training your body to stay in an upright position while moving your arms and stabilizing your core can improve all of the muscles needed to have better balance and coordination, which can help lower your risk of injury7.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

Battle ropes sounds like fun as you get into a rhythm swinging those sine waves. Jump rope offers similar cardiovascular health and muscle-building benefits to jogging, but can be low impact if done correctly. When I used to attend karate classes in Boston, I would see numerous people using leather jump ropes. Amazon sells weighted jump ropes or the thin, high-speed jump ropes.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

One of my students Alex, had already build 20 pounds (10 kg) of muscle mass and gotten ripped abs after 10 years of training.

The reason Alex joined Team Fearless was for the Primal Flow Method because his progress and development had stalled – he was no longer making progress.

After starting the program Alex with a new way of training he described it as:

"A much higher level of training than your standard do the curls, the bench press, the dead lift, the squat, whatever."

Soon after working on the program, Alex was making progress again and noticed great improvements. Most importantly, he was on the path that was sustainable with endless potential.

Here is Alex in his own words:

"My name is Alex. I've been doing weightlifting and martial arts for about 10 years, and for the last few years I've been doing the PrimFitness Programs. So that's athlete, warrior, and movement in every workout
So I made great progress with the normal weightlifting and martial arts, and I gained about 20 pounds of muscle and got the six pack and all that.
I needed to go back to a foundational level because I was stuck at the same level for weightlifting for a long time.
What people really like is how we focused on muscle articulation and feeling all the muscle and the small movements.

It's such a higher level of weightlifting because you're getting more out of it and you're also using lighter weight, so you're not as sore or hurting yourself trying to get that extra five or 10 pounds. "

So the biggest changes I've seen since I've been doing the programs are my performance and endurance have been a lot better. And I also have had that mindset shift where I'm focused on that instead of just trying to lift as heavy as possible.

So if you're on the fence, just know that the mix of 'Primal Kettlebell" "Animal Flow " and Martial Arts training are a much higher level of training than your standard do the curls, the bench press, the deadlift, the squat, whatever.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

When it comes to the lower body, we consider animal movements one of the best (if not the best) methods for developing truly functional and powerful legs.

Yes, we favor them over heavy back squats and deadlifts. This is because the smaller muscles and the limberness of the legs and hips is far more important than pure "raw strength" alone.

Your athleticism is determined by the mobility, structural balance and limberness of your legs. Stiff legs and tight hips cannot do much at all.

The more advanced we get, the more we favor animal movements.

In this new video, we share 8 new animal walks you can do to develop your legs, hips and your core musculature.

Give them a try, you have nothing to lose and only everything to gain.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

The kettle bell ,swing - Snatch - Clean are my go to moves when building kettlebell flows

You'll see me include many of these variations in my kettlebell flows, conditioning workouts, and strength sessions. It’s important to dial in your technique and get your form on point for each variation, then follow up with a workout.

These exercises build on the six primary movement patterns which work to increase peak performance by optimizing your foundation. Aka: these are more than just exercises or another workout. They're movements that allow you to fully harness your untapped training potential.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

Kettlebells originated from ancient Russia. During the 18th century, it was a type of metal weight, primarily used to weigh crops. Competitive kettlebell lifting started in 1885, with the founding of the "Circle for Amateur Athletics".

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"The more advanced we get, the more we favor animal movements."

Many karate movements are inspired by animal movements. I've seen one demonstration of a block where the hands move like fish fins. It looks poetic, a dance, but it is very practical. They call it a Carp Tail Block.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

I LOVE KETTLEBELLS !!!!!! Primal Movement Patterns., The other day, I mentioned how adding more to your training isn’t always the answer if you want to improve your results.

Instead, significantly increasing your fitness and performance can come from refining your fundamental movement patterns which are sometimes referred to as Primal Movement Patterns.

Specifically, refining these ancient movement patterns in your routine can be the "missing link" to your ideal results. 🔥

Yep, that sounds like it might be sliding into "woo-woo" territory, but I assure you: humans have been practicing these movements since the beginning of time.

BUT, in the modern age, we’ve slowly lost touch with these movements. And as such, they aren’t focused on as much in training regimes.

And, if you aren’t incorporating them with proper technique and intent, you might be missing out on making some serious progress!

So, what are these ancient movements?

Often referred to as primal movement patterns, these movements are movements that are innate to man’s body and were crucial to our survival as a species.

These movements helped us escape quickly from predators; helped us balance, attack, defend ourselves, turn quickly, run faster, lift heavy objects without being injured, and more.

In other words: these are the movements that made humans one of the most adaptable and formidable of species on the planet.

We may not have the brute strength of a lion, or a hippo... but when we combine strength, speed, agility, and other fitness abilities together, we do have a type of formidable holistic strength.

The movements in their broad forms may look familiar:

- Squatting

- Bending

- Lunging

- Pushing

- Pulling

- Rotating

- Locomotion (i.e. gait)

These are movements that are ingrained in our bodies. If you watch toddlers or children, they perform every single one of these movements easily during play.

The benefit of building a routine off of these movements is that you reinforce a strong foundation that can help you maximize your training!

AND, you increase your mobility significantly, which can increase the amount of weight you can move... which can then increase your results.

The basic movements above seem simple, but the idea is to perform them mindfully in our workouts in order to capitalize on their benefits.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

this thing wouldn’t let me edit my last post, so I’m just gonna add this to it

If you’re here, it’s likely because you’re striving for more in your fitness, training, or physique.

I’m (obviously) with you 💪

But have you ever thought about what up-leveling will actually take? Is it just adding more weight? More cardio? More reps? More or less food?

You see, when we want to improve, we often want to just do “more.”

And, while this can be beneficial sometimes, in many cases it won’t cause a drastic improvement.

Instead, what really tends to take results to another level is refinement of your fundamental movement patterns so that you can get the most out of each exercise and workout session.

Refining the quality of your movement can significantly help improve every level of your fitness. Even things like mobility and flexibility.

This may sound odd, since we’re all used to adding more cardio sessions or heavier weight in order to see results.

But the thing is, simply adding more of the same movements if done poorly doesn’t do much to strengthen areas of your body, but can actually hinder your progress.

For instance, you may see your muscles get stronger if you keep using the same machines in the gym every week.

BUT, you’ll eventually reach a plateau . . . and you also won’t reach your peak level of fitness.

These are basic human movement patterns that are ingrained in our bodies, and are essential to having a true foundation of strength.

Without mastering these movement patterns, we lose a ton of our potential . . . and we may even limit our performance, strength and physique results.

These Foundational Movement Patterns, can drastically improve our overall fitness by strengthening our foundation allowing us to perform exercises optimally.

These movement patterns consist of movements we naturally perform as children. And, if you look at a child playing, do you notice how effortlessly they squat, crawl, run, and rotate? Nothing seems like a struggle, because they haven’t stopped doing these movements during play!

As adults, we tend to lose touch with these movements–especially as we start working (and sitting) more.

We become stiff, and this stiffness can limit everything from our lifts to our performance in sports.

By now, you’re probably wondering what the solution is to this, and how to start with refining these fundamental movement patterns within your own training. Over the next few days I'll be introducing you to my Introduction To Primal Training Methods.

Whether you find yourself to be a seasoned athlete or a novice embarking on the initial stages of your fitness journey, my meticulously crafted 14-day Intro To Primal Training Methods course is customized to align with your current level of expertise. Emphasizing the significance of fundamentals and foundational principles is paramount to achieving success in any endeavor, and this also holds true for physical training.

My Intro to Primal Training Methods course has been meticulously formulated with the specific intent of fortifying and elevating your training fundamentals, serving as a robust foundation & resource which you can progressively build upon equating to sustainable growth over the years of training.

To begin, I wanted to share one of my favorite hinge movements, the Bodyweight Good Mornings.

This movement engages muscles like our glutes and core. Try it out, and take it slow at first. Incorporate it into your routine after you’re thoroughly warmed up.

Try the Bodyweight Good Mornings:

I’ll wait ………….

Harder than it seems, right? These are the type of movements that can up-level all other movements you do, since you’re strengthening areas of your body (like your entire core) that can support more weight and help you move more efficiently.

Over the coming weeks, I’ll be providing more insight into building and refining your foundation utilizing my 14-Day Intro to Primal Training Methods course and how following these methods can maximize your fitness training and results, so stay tuned! 🔥
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"The more advanced we get, the more we favor animal movements."

An interesting YouTube karate video shows how to use a crane's beak to deflect a kick. Certainly an animal move.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

Happy New Year from the team Fearless

It's officially 2024 and the start of the year is always an incredible opportunity for a fresh start.

If you have extra weight you need to lose, now is the time to lose it.

Now is the time to get the body you have always dreamed of.

Build muscle.
Learn to move.
Get athletic.
Fix injuries.
Lose fat.

Let’s do this.

It’s time to get serious about your health, well-being, performance and of course how you look.

We are super motivated and have big plans ahead. Stay tuned because the best is yet to come.

Will you also make 2024 the best year of your life?

If you’re on this forum, you already have a foundation in martial arts. Now it’s time to explore other aspects of fitness and longevity
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

A joke has been circulating in the net: Warning, don't enter your health club between January 1 through January 10 as they will be way too crowded. After these dates, you may come in and enjoy using the many unused exercise machines because of a lot less people. Keeping the New Year resolution is tough.

Still, New Year Resolutions do have their value. A study shows that New Year's resolvers were successful much more than the ones who didn't make resolutions.
Auld lang Syne: Success predictors, change processes, and self-reported outcomes of New Year's resolvers and nonresolvers.
by John C. Norcross, Marci S. Mrykalo, Matthew D. Blagys
First published: 08 March 2002

Happy New Year.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by gmattson »

Hi R0bb:

Excellent articles. Keep up the good work and promote on social media, to build up interest. Looking forward to WinterFest!!!

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