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sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Sun Oct 06, 2002 11:50 am
by s f b
sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

<font color=green>Al Moulton at <a href="">Uechi-ryu Etcetera</a> Loves <a href="">email</a></font>


This is really Deep Sea, who yesterda was torpedoed, or deep sixed, into the abyss of confusion and dispair, not to mention unlimited layers of unravelling frustration while changing my profile's email address to the one I'm projecting to use beginning next month.

A more frontal approach reads that I changed my email address in Deep Sea's profile and now I can't get into my account nor post nor reply to posts nor let youse guys know that I haven't quite died yet !!!

I made the same, duh, mistake last year with Allen M. and I haven't been able to get into Allen M. for a long time either.

Will whomever is in charge of these things please reset my accounts, both "Deep Sea" and "Allen M." for me such that I may be able to regain the ability to stand upright like a normal healthy primate of which I strive to maintain the perception with significant lustre???

Your timely response to my undaunting request will be most sincerely appreciated.


P.S. and BTW... Having second thoughts of going onto verizon DSL. I blew away my entire Saturday with them on the phone tyrying to get my account to work, and it never did. I had to move the connections to another machine and still the email system is thoroughly hosed up and their webpage is unaccessible.

I tried to save a few bucks and surf on faster wave, but sometimes trying to go the economy rout is the most expenxive one, both in time and in money.

My email address is still uechi@ixpress until the end of the month and I might just dump verison DSL and keep my old stuff.

<b>Al Moulton at <i><a href="">Uechi-ryu Etcetera</a></i> Loves <i><a href="">email</a></b></i>

sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 1:09 am
by Scott Danziger
I cannot access your password nor change your email address. The only thing an administrator can do is change your access to certain forums, delete, disable posting ability, and change stuff you wrote. I cannot "reset" your account.

You will have to logon under your other names and go to the preferences and asjust from there.

I believe when you change email adresses you may have to reset your prefenences. I believe I remember going through that.


sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 1:50 am
by s f b
Thanx Scott for coming on line.

The preferences allowed me to make cookies crumble; been there, done that.

Can you simply trash those two accounts and then I can pick the same user names all over again???

I am not now allowed into my own profile, hence the panic. For example, when I try to access my profile of say "Deep Sea" using the only password I ever use for that account, I receive back the message that I typed in an incorrect password. All I did when I entered the profile was to change the email address.

Now, when I enter the "forgot Password" link, and then enter the email address to send it to, It email's sfb's username and password. Of course it would.

Now, I say, ok. I may have mistyped the new email address??? That's possible, or something was corrupted when the old email address was written over by the new.

Anyway, I know administrators in UNIX can get into anyone's account anywhere. You may not be able to do it, but somewhere up the chain someone must be able to do so. That;s the one whom I'm looking for.

<b>Al Moulton at <i><a href="">Uechi-ryu Etcetera</a></i> Loves <i><a href="">email</a></b></i>

sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2002 11:19 pm
by Scott Danziger
I'll go ahead and trash the other accounts.

I'm curious to know why the html code in your signature is not working.


sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2002 2:23 am
by s f b
The HTML looks like good code to me. It choked when I used colors so I backed off and same thing. After you clear the other accounts out, I'll remake the accounts using UBB code instead.

Thanks, Scott.

<b>Al Moulton at <i><a href="">Uechi-ryu Etcetera</a></i> Loves <i><a href="">email</a></b></i>

sfb really, really needs some help on this one...

Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2002 2:19 am
by s f b

Let me know when you free-up Deep Sea and Allen M.



Great job in getting this forum up and running again.

<b>Al Moulton at <i><a href="">Uechi-ryu Etcetera</a></i> Loves <i><a href="">email</a></b></i>