Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by dmsdc »

Scary stuff.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>
How does it work?
Ê When we're young, HGH (human growth hormone) is produced in large quantities by the pituitary gland, but after age 25-30, HGH levels diminish up to 80%.Ê Many doctors believe this drop is what causes many problems and diseases associated with aging.Ê GROWLEAN15 Capsules stimulate the pituitary gland to produce and distribute youthful levels of HGH. Ê One of the amazing effects that HGH has on the body, is that it increases your metabolism.Ê This increase actually causes your body to burn fat while you sleep! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by TSDguy »

OK, since I'm not a complete dumb*** I realized this probably isn't the greatest product to be buying. But does anyone know what exactly the problems are with it? ...other than the obvious fact that you don't need it if you just get off your butt and exercise.
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Ian »

Acromegaly = syndrome resulting from excessive growth hormone. Symptoms: enlarged jaw, swollen hands and feet, coarse facial features, wide spaced teeth, osteoporosis, back pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, heart dysfunction, menstrual dysfunction, menopause symptoms, impotence, loss of libido, testicular atrophy, skin tags, more sweating with bad BO, excessive hair growth in women, nerve damage, big tongue, not breathing in sleep, colon and uterus polyps, cancers, organ damage of many kinds, weakness, tiredness.
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by student »

There are medical anti-aging clinics that specialize in treatments utilizing HGH, cf, where the Director, himself an M.D. - and, in the interest of full disclosure, my brother-in-law - uses the same therapies on himself. But it must be done to one's individual specific requirements, so unregulated HGH or HGH precursors have risks, as Ian said.


[This message has been edited by student (edited February 08, 2002).]
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Bill Glasheen
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Bill Glasheen »

There are actually a number of issues here.

First is the real health issue of fooling with mother nature. Take a good look at some of those muscle mags sold by you-know-whom with pictures of freaks of nature from cover to cover. See some wide-jawed men and women in there? Do they look perhaps just a bit...unpleasant? What you see on the surface (that is likely due to illicit HGH use) has its consequences under the skin too.

Second, does the stuff Dana cited work? Pehaps yes, but probably only technically. One can get a tiny burst of endogenous (from your own body) release of HGH by merely ingesting a bolus of the amino acids L-argenine and L-ornithine. In fact it's used as a medical test to study the human body's HGH production. But considering how those supplements are harder and harder to come by these days, one can surmise the practical effectiveness of those tiny boluses in the gym.

And finally there is the issue of HGH release in health and disease. It is...complex.

HGH is good stuff in the right amounts and at the right times in life. You can affect your own HGH release in a positive manner by eating right, engaging in short, intense workouts and making sure you get plenty of quality sleep. But be careful about messing around with this stuff. Even the clinics like the ones Student referred to are potentially playing with fire.

First do no harm.

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Adam »

Well, on a similar vein...
Have you heard of using colostrum (the substance mammals produce for a few days after giving birth and contained in very small amounts in milk) as a supplement?
I know some of the richer vegans in India use it as such, but more recently atheletes and normal folks have begun using it in Australia & America.
I haven't been able to any research on the long term effects of it's use, but all the research I've seen on it look promising.
So, Bill my good man and martial artist/doctor... What would you think of using it as a supplement?

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Bill Glasheen »


I've heard of people using the stuff. Colostrum is great for newborn babies that are thrust out into the real world with a blank slate for an immune defense system. It contains mother's own antibodies, which can give junior a chance to develop his/her own as he/she is exposed to the millions of pathogens in the environment. For example, it has antibody properties that decrease the risk of newborn diarrhea.

But the effects apparently go beyond that. Colostrum has an effect on the endocrine (hormone) system of the infant. It contains substances like IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor) that have an effect on the metabolism of the infant. Controlled studies show higher concentrations of growth hormone IGF-1, and insulin in the blood of infants fed colostrum as opposed to those fed formula. Colostrum also has an effect on sugar and fat metabolism. It is...complex.

But will that mean that Joe Wantsabody will get bigger if he drinks the stuff? Maybe... Or maybe it's just Joe's fantasy that he can get some straight from the faucet. 00 Image

I presume there are other good substances in the food. We humans certainly think enough of milk (breast excretions that start several days after birth) to package it (from milk to yogurt to cheese to protein supplements) and consume it in all its many forms. Colostrum would certainly have its own complement of beneficial substances, but by definition it would be in short supply. And you know how that supply vs. demand thing works...

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

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If used PROPERLY.... no problem!! I'm amazed at the lack of knowledge that some people have, yet they jump on the bandwagon and claim... Must be bad for you!!! nEverything is bad for you if not taken properly!!! Grow up and do some research!!!
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by dmsdc »

Everything is bad for you if not taken properly.

Properly usually implies in some level of moderation and at appropriate developmental levels.

If we were meant to still be drinking breast milk...(self-censored for public welfare.)

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Ian »

If used properly....

That applies to everything of course. It applies to use as much as discouragement of use. So both sides need to do research.

but, But, BUT.... We are talking about BREAST MILK SUPPLEMENTS HERE FOLKS! What the flock is going on in people's heads they think they are one day old again and might pop out some huge veiny muscles if they cough some of this junk down? Why are people taking stimulants and diuretics that turn their urine green and screw up their electrolytes to obtain "paper thin skin" for competition? Is this stuff really that much more important than leading a healthy, simple life?

It's a lot like saying there's a drug of unproven benefit in short supply at high cost designed to make an extra ear grow on your gluteus maximus. Chastizing people for urging caution isn't the point, the point is there isn't any indication to muck around with biochemistry that ain't broken. If these people take drugs they might want to take some aimed at correcting their unusual urges.
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by dmsdc »

Hey Ian,

Can you go over to the women's forum and read and perhaps comment on a thread on adrenlaine differences in men and women that I started?

Your expertise has been requested.

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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by ecalavia »

Why take it? Are you that WEE? Like they sell products to women catering to their vanity and insecurity {having been raised as pretty it becomes an important part of the self image}they do the same for men now. Wasn't there a football player Luo Alceda {I'm not sure of the name} who developed brain tumors and died from playing with that sort of thing? Say you beef up to grotesque proportions, so what, are you the biggest and strongest? No, and even if rather grand in size and strength, how long will it last? What for. Who gives a damn but you. You could still get shot. Why play with your health? Like I say are you so very Wee and unhappy with your puney self you must try something? I would suggest you put the ads down and go for a nice run while you still can or is that not plesurable?...What if it just makes your head swell up? Oh I'm sorry that is what it is for! HA! HA! No brother.. Please just stay natural and healthy... It is not worth getting hurt for. No one will admire you no for taking it no matter the outcome.
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Human Growth Hormone -- mail order

Post by Ted Dinwiddie »

Lyle Alzado...
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