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Holiday Greetings

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 1998 4:06 pm
by Jackie Olsen
May this season be a time of renewal, a time to set new goals and follow new dreams ... a time to quietly celebrate all that has been and all that is yet to be.

Thinking of you this holiday season and hoping that the New Year brings hope, harmony, happiness, humor, love, and many good Sanchins your way ...

In beauty,


[This message has been edited by Jackie Olsen (edited 12-10-98).]

Holiday Greetings

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 1998 10:44 am
by david
Same here. Wishing everyone a good holiday season.

If things don't turn out like a "Hallmark" occaison, take it for what it's worth. Hallmark is a commercial creation. Your life is the real thing. Joy and happiness don't always coincide with the calendar and fit the image on the card. But they are there, in what ever form, if you open yourself to them.

peace and love,


Holiday Greetings

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 1998 12:49 am
by moulton

Our house wishes the best of the holiday season to you.


Holiday Greetings

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 1998 5:43 am
by Kevin Mackie
jackie- thanks for the holiday sentiments. The same to you, your family and loved ones and to all reading this message.


JD, if you read this, did that vertically challeged baby faced canadian actor send you a christmas card? i bet not, jeese what an ungrateful bstd!