Joe the Terrorist

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Joe the Terrorist

Post by Valkenar »

It's interesting to me that there hasn't been a thread here yet about Joe Stack, the nutcase who flew a plane into the IRS building. While I don't really have much to say about it, the absence of comment on it here is interesting, maybe even telling. What is interesting is the politicians that have sort of tacitly condoned it, publicly. If it weren't for this, I would him as just a part of the rising tide of lunacy (represented by the Tea Party and its antics) that we seem to be going through right now.
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Bill Glasheen
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Bill Glasheen »

Valkenar wrote:
It's interesting to me that there hasn't been a thread here yet about Joe Stack, the nutcase who flew a plane into the IRS building.
It is what it is, Justin. Time has passed, and there is no thread started. I personally don't condone killing innocent people for a cause - no matter how worthy.

Dress up in savage attire complete with war paint and throw boxes of English tea overboard in the dark of night? Just to p1ss off the King of England? Now THAT sounds like fun! Sign me up! 8)


I was once a member of the UVa Pep Band - disbanded for p1ssing off too many dignitaries.
  • We once caused the West Virginia legislature to pass a referendum in disapproval of us. Why? At halftime we did a Family Feud show with a preppie family against a West Virginia family. The question - What do you most associate with the state of West Virginia? Answer 1: Indoor plumbing (wrong). Answer 2: Birth control (wrong). Answer 3: Toxic waste (correct answer).
  • We once had an official complaint filed against us by the governor of Maryland. Why? We announced that we would introduce governor Marvin Mandel to the crowd at a Maryland vs. UVa football game. And who came out? A fellow wearing a striped suit and sporting a ball-and-chain. Why? He had just been convicted of mail fraud and racketeering. And this is the governor who had replaced Spiro Agnew - a fellow who pleaded nolo contedre to similar charges.
  • We caused a near-riot on the football field at a VA Tech vs. UVa game when we came out on the field playing turkey and the straw. Our band leader was dressed as Colonel Sanders, and had a drum stick as a baton. The Tech mascot by the way is a turkey.
In short... I know how to behave objectionably, and how to do so with style.

What do you now conclude?

- Bill
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Jason Rees
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Jason Rees »

Valkenar wrote:It's interesting to me that there hasn't been a thread here yet about Joe Stack, the nutcase who flew a plane into the IRS building. While I don't really have much to say about it, the absence of comment on it here is interesting, maybe even telling. What is interesting is the politicians that have sort of tacitly condoned it, publicly. If it weren't for this, I would him as just a part of the rising tide of lunacy (represented by the Tea Party and its antics) that we seem to be going through right now.
What's interesting about Joe Stack? The guy was ticked at the IRS, and flew his plane into an IRS office building. Ooo, fascinating. Not. I don't recall any evidence of him being connected to the Tea Party in any way. If you really want to, we could drag out the terrorist acts conducted by the loony left fringe of tree-huggers and 'animal rights' activists...

Tarring those with whom you disagree with the acts of one angry man is the kind of thing I expect from clowns like Olberman. Not real people.
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Valkenar »

Jason Rees wrote:If you really want to, we could drag out the terrorist acts conducted by the loony left fringe of tree-huggers and 'animal rights' activists...
But that's exactly what's telling about the absence of comment, since people do often bring it up when some Peta nutjob does or says something crazy.

I wouldn't say that Joe Stack exists in a vacuum any more than Nidal Hassan does, for example. Would he have done the same thing if there weren't there an undercurrent of quasi-revolutionary, anti-tax agitating going on? Probably? But even so, what I thought was most interesting was the political tolerance of this. Both from the public and from politicians.

There are a disappointingly large number of people who want to hold him up as some sort of folk hero. And I think that relates to the broader spectrum of Oathkeepers, Birthers, Tea Partiers and so forth. Joe Stack may not have been a card-carrying member of any of these groups, but what he did is very much related to the kind of rhetoric they spew.

Consider, for example, how much more chatter there would be if it was a Muslim extremist who did this. Certainly there wouldn't be silly facebook groups (U.S.-based thousands strong praising him as a hero.
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Bill Glasheen »

Valkenar wrote:
But that's exactly what's telling about the absence of comment, since people do often bring it up when some Peta nutjob does or says something crazy.
Let's talk about handling PeTA nutjobs, Justin. From flaming Johnny Weir - now my personal hero. He can throw a gay party in my home any day of the week. I promise I'll wear pink in his honor.

PETA has been up my butt since the 2006 Olympic Games. I get postcards and nasty hate mail and videotapes of animals being skinned. And while I feel bad and understand their side of things, I take my little autograph card and I sign my name and I draw a chipmunk with X's over its eyes and I mail it back. Don't attack me for a personal choice. You're protecting animals. We have soldiers dying all over the world. Choose your battles. Don't pick on me.
Valkenar wrote:
Would he have done the same thing if there weren't there an undercurrent of quasi-revolutionary, anti-tax agitating going on?

What do you propose, Justin? Must we agree with your political point of view because you say there is causality?

I leave you with some quotes from my friend Mr. Jefferson. I hear he's a respectable gentlemen with a legacy worth noting.

- Bill
Every generation needs a new revolution.

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it.

If once the people become inattentive to the public affairs, you and I, and Congress and Assemblies, Judges and Governors, shall all become wolves. It seems to be the law of our general nature, in spite of individual exceptions.

Experience hath shewn, that even under the best forms (of government) those entrusted with power have, in time, and by slow operations, perverted it into tyranny

I have no fear that the result of our experiment will be that men may be trusted to govern themselves without a master.
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Valkenar »

Bill Glasheen wrote: I take my little autograph card and I sign my name and I draw a chipmunk with X's over its eyes and I mail it back.
Sounds good to me.
Valkenar wrote: What do you propose, Justin? Must we agree with your political point of view because you say there is causality?
Which political viewpoint? I'm not trying to imply here that because Joe Stack was a nutter like these other guys that therefore everyone should shut up forever about taxes. And like I said, I'm not even sure there is causality here, just that there's an interesting synchronicity at the very least.

Now maybe this is all old hat to you guys because it's stuff you have already heard about at your Tea Party meetings. :P

What point are you trying to make there, Bill? I can read between the lines, but then I'd be putting words in your mouth that maybe you wouldn't like the taste of. So fill me in... what fresh inconveniences of insufficient liberty have you noticed in the past say, year or so? Are your taxes higher? Because mine aren't.
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Re: Joe the Terrorist

Post by Bill Glasheen »

Valkenar wrote:
Are your taxes higher? Because mine aren't.
I am in the unique position of screwing myself out of an inheritance. You see... My father has metastatic cancer. And he has eight kids. And if he dies this year, most of that fortune will be saved and a small sum will go to each of his eight kids. But if I succeed in helping him live with cancer and have a few more quality years, the government you love so much will rob him when he dies and there will be little left for us.

I'd rather have my father, and tell Uncle Sam he can kiss my ...

I could go on and on, Justin. Sorry you're drinking the Kool Aid. If you could read between the lines, you'd know that the Washington doublespeak is such utter BS.

Why do you think Congressmen and Supreme Court justices alike are breaking protocol when Obama gives SOTU addresses? It's because they know better.



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Post by AAAhmed46 »

I doubt the tea party connection.

But that dude was a terrorist.
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Post by Glenn »

While there is no agreed upon definition for terrorism, usually it is taken to mean use of terror by an organization and performed by members of that organization who may or may not commit suicide in the process. In U.S. law for example
the term “terrorism” means premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents
An individual acting alone to commit suicide in a spectacular way, even if making a statement in the process, has rarely if ever been classified as a terrorist. Basically he was no different from someone going on a killing spree at a school or workplace, and before 9-11 he would have never been referred to as a terrorist (same for the army guy in Texas last year).

Joe Stack was neither terrorist nor hero, just a troubled individual.
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Post by Valkenar »

Glenn wrote: Joe Stack was neither terrorist nor hero, just a troubled individual.
I actually agree with most of what you said about terrorism. The term is way overused these days. The thread title was supposed to be funny, but maybe it wasn't in good taste (Or particularly funny to begin with).
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Post by Glenn »

No where near as in bad taste as Uwe Boll's movie "Postal" :wink:
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Bill Glasheen
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Post by Bill Glasheen »

Valkenar wrote:
The thread title was supposed to be funny, but maybe it wasn't in good taste.
If I want good taste, I'll see my friend Charlie Tuna.


- Bill
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Van Canna
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Post by Van Canna »

...the government you love so much will rob him when he dies and there will be little left for us.

Are you talking about inheritance tax?

There are some ways around those through the proper set up of a trust. I am sure you have taught of it...but here are a couple educational links.

http://www.estateplanandassetprotection ... e-Process/ ... ction.html ... rusts.html

Really sorry about your dad. :(
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Post by Van Canna »

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