From the Shark's Tooth

This is Dave Young's Forum.
Can you really bridge the gap between reality and training? Between traditional karate and real world encounters? Absolutely, we will address in this forum why this transition is necessary and critical for survival, and provide suggestions on how to do this correctly. So come in and feel welcomed, but leave your egos at the door!
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Allen M.

From the Shark's Tooth

Post by Allen M. »

What is a lifeguard supposed to do? I mean: What's their job? Does the title imply anything meaningful?

Check this link before it gets washed out to sea:

Allen Moulton from Uechi-ryu Etcetera
Posts: 21
Joined: Fri Feb 23, 2001 6:01 am
Location: Charlottesville, VA USA

From the Shark's Tooth

Post by hsohn »

sparked a debate in my office with this one. We came to the concensus that the life guard acted in a reasonable fashion(though the comment was over the top if accurate.) What was he supposed to do? He is trained to assist drowning victims(which endangers his life to a degree). He is not trained to fight sharks. What if a fist fight at the beach developed and someone reached into a cooler for a knife or gun? Would he be responsible for breaking it up? They are not adequately trained or paid to be life guards in a catch all sense of the word. They are paid to help drowning victims, heat stroke, dehydration, etc.; not to place themselves in harm's way and fight off a shark.
Allen M.

From the Shark's Tooth

Post by Allen M. »

I guess florida's the place to be for a shark bite, these daya.

Allen Moulton from Uechi-ryu Etcetera
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