Fuzhou Suparinpei

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Ron Goninan
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Fuzhou Suparinpei

Post by Ron Goninan »


I have enjoyed this particular thread; let's keep this one on the subject, OK? Image

- Bill

[This message has been edited by Bill Glasheen (edited September 01, 2000).]
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Fuzhou Suparinpei

Post by Panther »

Just another data point...

I loaded that site and looked at the movements.

They don't match with the movements that I learned as the Goju-ryu Suparinpei (I know two slightly different variations- only practice one, but the form is the same and it's not this Fuzhou version... )

Also, As a Goju-ka, I've now seen the differences that Glasheen-sempai mentioned concerning the Goju vs. Uechi Sanseiru and Seisan as well (IE: they're completely different forms Image )... The fundamentals of Sanchin are the same and I was once shown/taught a version of Sanchin with open hands much as done by the Uechi-ka... one big difference that I was never shown, but was explained here (and subsequently I researched and saw) was the difference in the way Goju-ka and Uechi-ka make the turn... Interesting and I can see advantages and disadvantages in each... Image

[This message has been edited by Panther (edited September 01, 2000).]
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Fuzhou Suparinpei

Post by kusanku »

Joe Swift said nice things about ol' Kusanku.

Thanks Joe, but your actual location in Japan and okinawan and our acquanitance with these folks like Hukama, make u a first hand source of information on history and lineage, the rest of us only have limited sources of.

Good ones, but limited, because they don't have the actual museum of karate as Hukama does.And which I did not know of until you told me.

Joe Swift
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Fuzhou Suparinpei

Post by Joe Swift »

Dear Panther, sir,

You wrote:
They don't match with the movements that I learned as the Goju-ryu Suparinpei (I know two slightly different variations- only practice one, but the form is the same and it's not this Fuzhou version... )

Thank you for your observations. As a Goju guy myself, the differences are obviously... obvious Image

Anyway, the xing/kata at that site, is the Fuzhou Tiger version, as taught in the Zhou Zi He lineage... it is unrelated to the Goju lineage, IMHO, and therefore only natural that they are completely different.

However, as Bill G. Sensei pointed out, the Tiger Suparinpei xing/kata is different to the "big three" Uechi kata... this may or may not be the "lost Uechi 108"... who's to say for sure.

However, when you mentioned Seisan and Sanseiru (Goju vs Uechi), I'll give you that Sanseiru is different, *but* I feel that there is an underlying "Seisan-ness" to all of the versions practiced in Okinawa karate today, be it Uechi, Goju, Shorin, Ryuei, Isshin, Okinawa Kenpo, To'on etc etc etc...

Thoughts? Or should we move Seisan to another thread, of there is interest?


Joe Swift

[This message has been edited by Joe Swift (edited September 04, 2000).]
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