Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

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Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 1 - Don't Rush Your Progress - Let Nature Work For You

Everything works on nature's time.

It’s good to understand that everything in your body work according to nature’s time, not on your time.In fitness, it’s crucial to have patience.

The results often come when you least expect them. Moreover, the result usually don’t come as fast as you wish but not as slow as you think either.

Impatience is a negative quality of a young person and we definitely had this problem as well.

A lot of problems in training come from being in a hurry to make progress. Being in a constant hurry to reach X skill or X amount of weight in a lift.

This is all a “shortcut” way of thinking. The problem with shortcuts is that they take way too long.A lot of people (we included) could have made much better progress, avoided countless of problems and been happier if we just had slowed down in the beginning.

It’s far more important to build a solid foundation and do everything right from the get go rather than hurry to your goal right away. There are clear steps to go from 0 to 100.

Do you know what happens if you tried to skip to many steps? It’s inevitable you will stumble and hurt yourself.

Moreover, imagine your body being a building. If you immediately start building the highest floor, and do a bad job with the foundation and the previous floors, the end product will not be good.

In the end, you will have a house of cards which will eventually crash. The same happened to us and has happened to countless people :D
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »


Skill Vs. Strength Training

Understanding the difference between skill and strength training will make the biggest difference in your results. This is a concept that very few professional trainers understand but the best usually do (still a small %).

99% of people’s training is actually skill training. They just mistakenly think it’s something else.

Examples of skill training include: heavy lifting, weighted chin ups, bodyweight skills etc. There is nothing wrong with skill training but the difference must be understood.

Proper strength training directly develops the body and body’s attributes such as strength, mobility, speed and power.

Lacking proper strength training in your schedule (there’s nothing wrong with skill training) is probably the reason why your body is hurting and why your progress has stalled or has been subpar at best.

Internalize this lesson and you can change your results forever. This is one of the biggest realizations we have realised over the years of training.

If you are unsure how to do proper strength training, finding a teacher or joining our programs will be the easiest and quickest way to reach a high level without needing to go through years of trial and error.

Skill Vs. Strength Training is also extensively covered in the Skill Master program.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 3: Chronic Joint Pain & Injuries Are Not Part of the Game 8)

When we got injured over and over again in the beginning of our train-ing careers, it stopped our progress and prevented us from progressing further.

It was very depressive time because all these dreams and goals were taken away from us.

Then, barely being able to get up from a bed due to an excruciating back pain further destroyed the last bits of confidence.

At the time, if you listened to the big actors in the fitness field, everyone was saying this was just “part of the game” and you just had to get a surgery or a cortisol injection to deal with the problem.

We did not want to accept this faith and we did not accept it.

We realised we had to figure a way to progress but without destroying the body in the process. And over the years after traveling the world and doing deep research on ourselves, we developed the best methods to achieve exactly this.

Today, we know exactly who is suffering from joint problems and who is not. We only need to take a look at how they train.

The “accessory” mobility training is not enough to save them when their main training causes problems year after year.

Many of these high profile trainers, teachers and influencers hide their injury history because it’s not a good look on their brand.

However, the accessory mobility training is great but it’s still just bandage. You are not actually dealing with the cause of the problem.

Whatever you are doing right now, you can do the exactly the same thing but without experiencing the problems you are experiencing right now.

You need to raise the standards and bring your training to a higher level.
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 4: Weakness is Only Potential in Disguise

At Vahva Fitness, we like to say weakness is just potential in disguise.

As a beginner, it’s likely your whole body needs to be worked on. Take it as a challenge and keep eliminating your weaknesses one by one.

Being strong is not just being strong in certain skills. Being strong is a lot about the absence of weakness. A complete physique is the physique where everything works the way it’s supposed to and no rock has been left unturned.

Even if you are a top level athlete, you will make the most gains by targeting your weaknesses. This is what we do with new students: we find every weakness you have and create the perfect plan to combat them.

If you have been training for a long time, you will make mostly marginal gains by focusing on muscles and functions you are already good at. Yet, this is what almost everyone does.

The easiest way to make new progress is to find a new way to make progress. Doing the same stuff over and over again eventually causes the growth to stall.

Focus on your weaknesses (and there are way more than you think) and you can totally and absolutely unleash your development.

This what happened to us years ago and what happens to everyone. This approach just takes humility. The ego is the enemy and needs to be put aside.

The weaker you can feel, the stronger you can become. Are you ready to feel weak and incomplete in order to feel strong and complete?

Work on things what you are not good at, on things that feel uncomfortable and even painful, and you can skyrocket your development
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"LAW 1 - Don't Rush Your Progress - Let Nature Work For You"

Agree. Terry Virts book, "How to Astronaut" commented that while he work out in the gym every day to regain his strength after a space flight, he never overexert his exercise. He knew too many colleagues that pushed too hard and tore their muscle or ripped their tendons. ... n-no-gain/

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 5: Make Training Fun - And Never Give Up :angel: :) :) :)

If you are new to fitness, you have amazing tools available to go after your potential with everything you got.

The world is your oyster and what you can achieve can be far more than you ever imagined possible.Avoid the pitfalls and develop the art of listening to the body.

Train with variety and forever develop your training like an artist always develop his practice or skill.

If you are coming from a place of pain, don’t despair. What you think is impossible to fix, might be easy to fix for someone with the right set of tools.

We would consider surgeries and injections the last resort - they should be done when everything else has already been tried.

Not all surgeries have a 100% success rate and many surgeries make the problem worse. What we have found out that many problems people think are unfixable, are actually fixable and 100% naturally.

For the past 5 years we have done nothing but studied this subject allover the world and have gone deep into the world of Sanchin and other art forms to cultivate this skill.

Finally, if your progress has stalled, then it’s definitely the time to try something new and bring a new pair of eyes to your training.

Your training should be fun and exciting. Remove the pain and it becomes comfortable. Start making progress again and it becomes exciting.

It doesn’t matter how old or young you are, it’s never too late to start.This is something we will do until the last years of our lives.

The proper training will not just strengthen your body and mind but it will be an ally that will continue giving to you year after year.

Health & fitness is our passion. We hope we were able to provide help to you
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

Hello there!

Welcome to the weekend today. I’m gonna give you a break from the laws. I just talk to you a little bit about our primal flow method where we combine primal kettlebell with Martoal arts, nutrition, supplementation, and Animal flow for Fighters.

Do you ever see people performing incredible skills, stunts, and jumps and wish you could do the same?

Years ago, we made the mistake of initially going for the most impressive moves with the idea that achieving those would mean we had arrived at the pinnacle of fitness.

Few people talk about the behind the scenes, what it actually takes to be at peak performance.

A problematic trend with mainstream fitness is that people tend to train above their capabilities, only focusing on building muscle and lifting heavier, and end up getting injured as a result.

There’s nothing wrong with the flashy moves, but we know from experience that what will serve you the best in the long run is to focus on your foundation.

Only then will you have a lifetime of physical health and prowess.

Set Your Ego Aside

Building the physical foundation requires that you set your ego aside.

Sure, you might be fairly strong already, but there’s a good chance you have weaknesses and imbalances that are holding you back from the next level.

Even top athletes take the time do the basics while also taking their skills to the next level.

We’ve developed systems to transform the physique in a practical, systematic, and sustainable way with joint health and longevity in mind.

Primal Flow Method

If you’re looking to build a physical foundation, these programs are the building blocks. They’ll help you transform your weaknesses, imbalances, and injuries into a strong, mobile body with bullet proof joints.

We hope you’re inspired to join the Team Fearless community and build your physical foundation
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"Chronic Joint Pain & Injuries Are Not Part of the Game". Back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Home treatment or physical therapies usually fix the problem. Time may heal. Interestingly, many factors causing back pain has nothing to do with over-training. If a person is sedentary, the back muscles will weaken. Being obese stresses the back. Stress from chronic depression and anxiety can cause muscle tension, contributing to back pain. Smoking may decrease blood flow to the spine and increase the risk of osteoporosis. Chronic coughs strain the back. ... c-20369906

A research study had found that certain types of people may suffers more from spondylolysis, stress fracture through a thin bone segment joining two vertebrae (bone) in the lower back. People who developed spondylolysis have vertebrae that are more wedge-shaped, where the front is taller than the back, in addition to other subtle shape differences. ... 132047.htm

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

Thank you for your post ....!

Fr a while there I thought I was a billboard in the desert !!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

Today is bittters weet. Last night I found out a movie role I've been training for was pushed off till after the first of the year. Obviously I'll train on. This allows me to focus on Bill Wallace 's Birthday Seminar and Uechi church ll -the 2nd weekend of December

I recently talked to you UFC Champion Jiri Prochazka about standing meditation (The Grand Circle and Sanchin in particular).

This is something we've learned over the years if you’ve listened closely to George Mattson, Aloso while I was practicing with the grand master Jiang Yu Shan (9th Dan) and Sifu Lawrence Tan

The Grand Circle is the grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan's version of the Zhan Zhuang which is a very detailed method for cultivating energy, healing the body and meditative practice, Larry Tan uses ' The Universal Form" remarkable to note is “ultra slow Sanchin” has the same results.

The actual method goes far deeper than people can imagine – the actual stances are only one element of the entire method.

If you are looking to calm your mind, heal your body, cultivate your inner energy and even build tremendous power, then this is something that should be interesting to you.

George says it all the time and maybe you should start saying it to yourself and your students “ it is all in Sanchin"
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"LAW 1 - Don't Rush Your Progress - Let Nature Work For You"

Agree that rushing things is a huge temptation. Remember reading about numerous people joining karate dojos in Okinawa wanting to learn a quick way to beat up people, and getting impatient after discovering that Uechi-Ryu is a complex discipline which requires studying more than blocks, kicks and punches. When Kanbun Uechi founded the Pangai Noon Karate Research Center in April 1932, he would test how dedicated the new student are by having them spend the first three months practicing only moving forward and backwards in Sanchin. Temptation to rush is understandable when the applicant signed up needing a way to defend himself from a bully NOW before he gets hospitalized.

Another big temptation causing people to rush to gain exceptional strength is that muscle mass starts decreasing after the age of 30--so young. We have little time to bulk up.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 6: Implement "Mindfulness" & Body Awareness to Your Workouts :angel:

You don’t have to become a guru but when you train, you should always know what is happening in your body.

If you really want to produce well-rounded and balanced results, you need to learn how to listen to your body.

Your weaknesses are already screaming to you showing you which part of the body you should focus on. Yet, due to pain and ego people avoid the exact areas that would help and strengthen them the most.

It doesn’t end there. When you do any exercise, you should know what is the purpose and the area you want to target. The more precise you can be, the better it will be.

You want to develop this “6th sense” ability to detect weaknesses in your body and have the complete mindfulness over your body whenever you move or do an exercise.

Your body knows 100% what you need. Scientific studies and other people may only know with 10-90% accuracy what your body needs.

If you follow your intuition and listen to the voice that probably whispers, you will be able to give yourself exactly what you need.

On the other hand, if you listen to the general advice online and base your training on short memes, you are sure to fail.

These are never tailored for the individual and can cause more damage than good. This tips include such as “train your back twice as much as your front side” or even “always use full range of motion.” :idea:

When our students join our programs, they have said their entire perception of training has been changed forever. This is why student called Matt called it “fitness enlightenment”
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"Your body knows 100% what you need"

Reminds me of a story I overheard. A friend was describing how her mother tried forcing her to eat seafood as a child. She hated it. Later, as an adult, she tried some fish oil supplements during her work break. She suffered a horrible allergic reaction to the fish and fainted, couldn't move. That put her in a very dangerous situation. Being helpless in Cambridge, MA, she could've been gang-raped. She thankfully recovered untouched, then called her mother telling her that she did have justification in not wanting to eat fish. She's allergic to fish.

Obviously, that doesn't mean if it feels good, eat it. Sugar, tobacco, and such has an addictive sense of pleasure. Sugary processed foods may release the “feel-good” neurochemical dopamine in your brain’s reward center. Overeating of highly palatable (Junk food) may be caused by living in stressful environment.

There's an interesting study that shows cutting all forms of added sugar from their diet result in 95 percent of the participants not craving sugar after completing their two weeks challenge. Using artificial sweetener doesn't work because its excessive sweetness result in craving more sugar.

Cravings aren't your body being mean, testing your willpower and gloating over your loss. They are possible legitimate signals of real needs and you're fulfilling them incorrectly. Texas Health organization has a great article about them. ... Body-Needs

The big trouble with knowing your body's need is that it's complex, too easy to find the wrong way to satisfy them.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by emattson »

"Scientific studies and other people may only know with 10-90% accuracy what your body needs."

Please post a link to that scientific study.

“Old minds are like old horses; you must exercise them if you wish to keep them in working order.”
- John Adams
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Re: Becoming a Bullet Proof Black belt The Laws

Post by Buckland robb »

LAW 7 Train For Your Body, Not For Your Ego

Strength Training Vs. Ego Lifting

In the movie “Troy” starred by Brad Pitt there is a great scene that demonstrates the difference between ego and real confidence.

Brad Pitt (Achilles) is about to fight Boagrius who is this massive strongman/bodybuilding looking monster. The first thing Boagrius does is underestimate Achilles by giving him a condescending look.

Just right before the fight starts, Boagrius calls for lots of noise and confirmation from the audience to pump himself up.

How about Achilles? He is calm and collected. He doesn't need noise to validate his skill because he knows how good he is.

When the fight starts, Achilles easily evades and dodges Boagrius' spears and quickly finishes Boagrius before Boagrius even gets a chance to land his first strike.

Achilles has true confidence. He doesn't need the validation or confirmation from others to feel good about himself. There are lessons in here regarding performance and confidence.

When it comes to training, many start from the position of insecurity and weakness.We don’t like how we look or we want to impress others to feel better about themselves.

Despite all of this, we think there is nothing wrong with wanting to look good, to be able to do amazing stuff or having an athletic and capable body.

The problems arise when the training is driven by ego and insecurity instead of healthy ambition and joy. Ego training is a path that ultimately leads to destruction of your joints and even more insecurity.

You know that bodybuilder who has massive arms? He still wishes he had arms 1-2 inches bigger and still thinks he is small.

Examples of ego training are heavy lifting for the sake of numbers instead of developing the body. We used to fall into this category and as a result it caused great damage to our bodies.

We were constantly rushing to lift more and reach the most impressive skill. We lacked patience and our training was driven by ego. Not only that, the success was measured by ego as well (weight, skill, numbers).

After we changed our training, we not only got rid of the bad stuff (injuries) but our results also significantly better. It turned out that the ego training had no purpose at all other than destroying the body.

In then last 4 years we haven’t lifted heavy AT ALL and have noticed ZERO difference in growing strength or size. If you care about your progress and longevity in this game, you need to put your ego aside and focus on real training that is not driven by ego.

In the end, the most practical and realistic training is what respects the body the most and produces the best results.

Ego training will only lead to comparison game and this game is not designed to help you but to destroy you mentally and physically :idea: 8)
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